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Prince Hans walked around the castle looking for something. He hid in a pillar when he heard voices.

"Goodnight (Y/n). And good luck about the tournament. Do your best but don't hurt yourself okay?" It was Anna's voice.

Hans peeked and saw you and Anna. You nodded at her and entered your room while Anna went to the other one. He silently ran towards Anna's room and entered. Anna gasped but Hans covered her mouth with his hands to prevent her from screaming.


"Just so you know, I will not lose to any of you. I will be the one to grab princess Anna's heart and marry her!" Jack spoke.

All the other candidates except you, Kristoff and Hans gathered in the dining room. Everyone looked at the prince each having their own absurd expressions.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? Isn't that why we're all here? To marry the princess?"

"Yes and no." one of them answered.

"He's right. For one, I'm just here to win the tournament. I'll show everyone how good I am and how pathetic you all are to think you're near my capabilities." Prince Zenma spoke.

"That's some goal you have." Soma said.

"How about you? What's your goal here?." Jack asked Soma.

"I'm here to marry the princess of course."

"So same as me. You know the value of my dear Anna!" Jack laughed proudly.

"Nah. Anyone would do. If I don't marry anyone, father would disown me and I would lose all my inheritance! All my maids would be gone! I will die without them!! And I wouldn't get a bride unless I win this. No one wants to be with a useless prince like me." Soma cried.

"Tsk. And you? What's your purpose here?" Jack pointed at Luz.

"A good strategist does not reveal his intentions." he answered shortly and looked away.

Ukyo laughed. He laughed like a lady. So prim and proper. He even covered his mouth with his hand.

"He's right. I too, do not wish to state my intentions to all of you. Especially to a clown like you." He smiled sweetly at Jack.

Everyone else snickered.

"I intend to claim this kingdom." The blonde prince stood up. "I, Milliardo, will add this kingdom as an ally to Sanc and revolutionize their machineries to make lives easier for everyone."

"That is very noble of you." Prince Chad smiled. "I am here to save the princess of anyone who wishes to harm her."

"That's what you always say but the truth is you're a playboy." Jack sighed. "Is it only me that loves Anna truly?"


You sighed.

"Why am I here? I don't have to do this. I can survive on my own. But.... Why can't I leave Anna?" another sigh escaped your lips.

You can't sleep. The castle is silent. Everyone must be on dreamland right now but you. Then suddenly you heard a scream.

"Anna?" you hurriedly stood up and ran to her room. "Anna! Are you okay!?"

You kept on banging on the door but nobody answered. The other princes came and asked what was happening. Elsa and Kristoff came too.

"Get out of the way!" Elsa said. She blasted open the doors and entered.

Hans was on top of a struggling Anna. He was covering her mouth. He looked at the door and Anna took advantage of his distraction. She bit his hand so he would let go.

"How impudent!" Elsa exclaimed.

But before she could do anything, you rushed inside and punched Hans in the face. He stumbled down the bed. The other princes grabbed him.

"(Y/n)!" Anna exclaimed and hugged you tightly.

"Are you okay?" you asked her.

Anna nodded.

"I gave you a second chance and you wasted it. From now on, you or anyone from your kingdom, may never set foot on Arendelle ever again! Take him away!" Elsa commanded.

Everybody went out. You, Kristoff and the sisters were left inside.

"Will you be okay Anna?" Elsa asked.

"Is there anything you need?" Kristoff added. "If I can do anything, tell me okay?"

"I'll be fine. Thanks." Anna smiled.

"Okay." Kristoff scratched his head.

"(Y/n)? Can you stay here with me tonight?" Anna asked.

"What!?" Elsa and Kristoff said at the same time.

"I'll feel safer." Anna explained.

"Then I guess it'll be better." Elsa said.

"But... but..." Kristoff tried to convince Elsa not to let it happen.

"Go sleep Kristoff. Anna would be fine." Elsa walked out of the room.

Kristoff looked at the two of you. Anna seemed to only see you which made Kristoff jealous.

I should have been the one protecting her. Am I really not her true love? This is the second time Hans attacked her and I wasn't the one who saved her. He thought. He sighed and went outside.

"Thank you for saving me again." Anna said.

"I just hate men like that. I'll do that to anyone. I'll do it even if it's not you." you said and looked away.

"But still... Thanks."

Anna leaned to kiss you on the cheek but at that moment, you looked back at her. Both your eyes went wide. Your lips touched. She kissed you on the lips! She backed off.

"I.. I..." She was blushing.

You looked away like it never happened. Anna grabbed the sheets and covered herself with it. You heard her muffled scream on her pillow.

"Goodnight Anna." You said and went off the bed. You laid on the floor and tried to sleep. You can't help but smile. "So cute." you whispered.


I can't think of anything about this story lololol.. But one enemy down! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

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