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Elsa stirred and woke up. She saw Anna beside her, holding her hand.

"Elsa! I'm sorry." She sniffed. " I promise I won't be a hard head anymore. I promise I'd be a good girl. I know you have so many things in your mind and all responsibilities for the kingdom are in your hands. I'll help as much as I can, just don't push yourself too hard alright?"

Elsa smiled at her. She sat up and hugged her crying sister.

"Thank you Anna. I want to say sorry too."

Anna wiped her eyes.

"For what?"

"For making you feel like a prisoner. I can't help myself. You worry me everytime."

"I'm sorry."

Elsa laughed. She pushed Anna a bit to look at her.

"Anna? Do you want to build a snowman?" she asked seriously.

Anna gasped.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" She said happily.

They both laughed and went outside.



You stood up from the bed you're on.

"Wait. Don't move yet. Your wound might open up again."

"I'm fine." you said and walked out the building.

You looked around. A lot of people are walking and minding their own businesses. The woman who stopped you from standing came running to you.

"You need to rest first. You are not fully healed yet."

"You're already paid right?" you asked.

"Uhm.. yes."

"Then it's no problem. Nobody would be mad at you so don't worry. I'll be fine."


"Oh right. Where was the bag left by the guards for me?"

"I'll go get it. Please wait here."


After a while, she came back and gave you the bag.

"Thanks." was all you said and walked off.

People were staring at you. You looked down at yourself and saw the state you're in. Your clothes were torn halfway. Your bandage can be seen. Even your leg was wrapped up.

"No wonder. I thought the queen already posted a wanted poster of me."

Suddenly a carriage went past you. It was going to the palace. You heard some of the people gossip.

"Isn't that Prince Jack? Is he here to ask for the princess's hand again?"

"Yeah. He wouldn't give up. I heard the queen had turned him down several times already."

"He must be really in love with the princess."

"I wish that really is the case. Remember prince Hans from last time?"

"Oh right. I hope he wasn't like that kind of man."

Everyone went back on their own agendas once the carriage was out of sight.

"Who would even fall for that kind of princess?" you whispered to yourself.

You grabbed a girl by her arm to stop her from walking. She looked at you frightened.

"Tell me where I can buy some decent clothing." you told her.

She didn't say anything. She was shaking from fear. All she did was point her finger somewhere. You looked in that direction and let go of her.

"Thanks." you said.

You entered the store and a man greeted you immediately.

"Welcome, welcome! Oh dear." he gasped when he saw how you look.

"Just give me something to wear. I'll pay. Make sure I can move easily and don't you dare give me those princessy outfits you have displayed."

"I know just what you need. Come, come." He pushed you in a dressing room and handed you a few clothings to try on.


"Ahhhhhhhh!" Anna screamed.

She glided down an ice slide and was thrown upwards on a ramp. She then fell down on a heap of snow. She popped her head up.

"This is the best Elsa!" she said.

Elsa laughed at her.

"You're such a kid Anna."

Anna ran to her sister and hugged her.

"I missed bonding with you like this. I wish we could do this more often."

"I do too."

"Your majesty." Kai ran towards the sister's and bowed. "Prince Jack is here again. He is alone."

Elsa's frown went back. Anna noticed this.

"Uhm. You don't have to see him. I would talk to him if you want. I'll tell him you're not feeling well." Anna said

"No Anna. It's alright. I can handle him. Just go inside for now."

"Let me do it Elsa! Please let me help you once in a while."

"I said no."

Anna pursed her lips and was about to run again when a carriage pulled out. A man went out of it.

"Princess Anna." he said.

He immediately went to her and kneeled. He grabbed her hands and kissed the back of it.

"Oh." Anna was surprised.

Elsa coughed and the prince stood up. He bowed to the queen.

"I apologize your majesty. Seeing princess Anna here just excites me."

"Me? Uhhh Elsa? Can we talk for a while?" she laughed awkwardly.

Elsa rubbed her temples and sighed.

"Yes. A proper talk is needed. Let's go inside."

She pulled Anna to her side and away from the prince. They all walked inside the palace.


"This should do." you said.

You've picked the outfit you liked and paid the man.

"You look good in that." he commented.

"Uhh. Thanks? I guess?"

"If you need anything else, just ask away." he said.

"Tell me where the pub is?"

"I think it's too early for a drink but yes I could tell you that much."

He gave you the direction and you followed them until you reached your destination. You entered the pub.

"Welcome! We're not open till this afternoon but is there anything I can do to help?"

"Do you have any food? I'll pay." you told her.

"Oh goodness. Look at you. I'll prepare breakfast and don't bother paying. And please take a bath. You have nice clothes but you look like a hobo." she said.

"I do?"

"Yes dear. All that dirt on your skin. Oh goodness. What kind of hellish things have you been through you poor child."

"I... don't think it was hell I came out of. It was a cold place." you told her.

"She put a plate of food in front of you and sat down on the opposite side.

"Tell me more dear. I love stories."

You ate and chatted with the lady. You told her about the queen and about Anna. She also told you a lot of stories about them and about that prince Hans you heard about.


My Next Right Thing ( Anna x Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now