Stefan And Baby Making

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heyy guys, i know i've asked this before but who do i make Auroras love interest?i started this story wanting to make it about Damon but at the same time i love Stefan too and there are less fan fics about him. Comment who you want her love interest to be? (if you want to comment why they should be together it would help me out a lot :):)

"what do you wanna do about the whole Catherine thing?" I asked Damon. "I'm still working on it" he frowned. I nodded and went back to reading my book, "so, how did your trip with your little boyfriend go?" Damon asked. "it was wonderful Damon, you should've seen the house, it was honestly prettier than the boarding house" I answer, I smile at the thought of the past few days. "you did not just say that" he frowns, "oh but I did" I smirk. He rolls his eyes,

"How did you do?" I ask he shrugs, "killed Logan fell". I'm shaking, "you did what??" I ask, "he was a vampire, Roars," he says, "and not a good one". I don't ask further questions, I don't like the world of vampires and death, but I have no choice but to be in it. "how come I'm away for a few days and you kill Jenna's boyfriend?" I ask, closing my book and crossing my arms.

"don't look at me like that," he says, "like what?" I smirk. "judging" he answers, "I gotta go, it's late and now that Stefan and Elena made up, I don't want to come home and hear them make babies" he smirks, I mentally puke, "gross, bye Damon," I say and get up, "no goodbye kiss?" he asks, I roll my eyes, "not even a hug?" I shrug, "you are such a baby". I wrap my arms around his torso and his wrap around my neck, he leans his chin on my head and we stay like this for a while, suddenly the door opens, I back away from Damon to find a frowning William standing there, "well, I'm gonna go now" Damon says. "hey Wilms" I say when Damon leaves, "what was that about?" he asks as he comes to kiss me, "he was being a baby, he didn't want to leave without a hug" I say, "isn't that weird?" William asks, "maybe a little" I answer. "wanna stay the night?" I ask, he nods.


When I wake up in the morning. William sleeping next to me, his arm strangely cups my head while he snores, its cute. I free my head from his strangle-kinda position and look at my phone, I have 14 missed calls from Stefan, I'm too lazy to get out of bed, so I call him, trying to be quiet. "hey Stef wassup?" I whisper, "it's Elena, I got in a fight with her and she doesn't answer her phone, can you check if she's home?" he asks, "you called me fourteen times just because your girlfriend doesn't answer her phone after, yet another one of your fights?" I ask in disbelieve, "please check, Aurora" I groan and get out of bed, "Rora ?" William mutters in his sleep, "I'll be right back" I tell him and leave the room to check on Elena, I lazily stumble to her bedroom, the lights are off "Lena" I groan as I turn the lights on, oh shit I think when she isn't in her room and her bed is untouched.

"Uhm Stefan, she's not here," I say, he's silent for a moment, "can you come to the boarding house in ten minutes?" he asks, "yeh I'll be there, it's not like I have a choice" I answer, whispering the last part, I fell kinda guilty for bringing up the sire bond again, but it's true, when will I ever actually be able to say no to him?

I hang up the phone and go back to my room, I kiss Williams cheek, "Hey baby, something is going on with Elena, I gotta go see Stefan" I say, he nods and rolls over, making me giggle, I quickly put on a knitted sweater and some jeans, I throw my hair into a ponytail, and I'm soon out of the house.


"Stefan?" I ask, "here" he answers the sound comes from his room, he's pacing around the room, looking depressed. "you good bro?" I ask, "I called Elena and guess who answered? Damon" Stefan says, "wait Damon is with Elena?" I ask, I don't know why it bothers me but it does. "what was your fight about?" I ask, to change the topic, I sit down on his bed and hug a pillow. "it's just... I wanted to be honest but I didn't know how, and I know I messed up but what am I supposed to do? Things aren't always easy for me neither, he sighs," honest about what? "I ask. He gets up, speeds aways, speeds back, and hands me a picture, it extremely old, it's, Elena? Catherine. Holy shit."I didn't know pictures were a thing back then" I chuckle, "I show you a picture of my ex, she looks exactly like your sister and your reaction is, 'I didn't know pictures were a thing back then?'" he laughs.

"so you're not mad at me?" he asks, "as you said, things aren't always easy for you either" I answer giving him back his picture. "thank you" he smiles, I smile back, "sooooo, how are they related?" I ask, "I don't know," Stefan says. I then remember Damon's remark about baby-making and mentally puke again, I get off the bed and look at it in disgust.

"what?" he asks, "nothing, but last night Damon was at my place and he said something about Elena and you making babies, and it's just... Gross" I shiver, he laughs, throwing his head back wich is extremely cute for some reason. No, it's not cute, the Salvatore Brothers are starting to mess with my head.

"what's gross?" he laughs, I know he's teasing me, "ya know" I answer not wanting to say the words, it's like talking about sex with your gym teacher during sex education, no one likes it. "making love?" Stefan asks, of course, he calls it 'making love'. I fake puke which makes him laugh even more, "well how did Damon know Elena and I were having sex? Stefan laughs, my mouth falls open, I cover my ears with my hands," I'm traumatized" whisper. He laughs and comes to hug me, "you are a special one, Aren't you?".

"do want to have kids?" Stefan asks, "I mean you're probably the first vampire that can have children," he says, "I don't think so, I don't like kids" I answer, "you'll change your mind when you get older" that's when I get sad, I'm gonna be stuck in the body of a fifteen-year-old forever, I'm happy I looked à bit older than I was. I break the hug, "holy shit? My boobs aren't gonna grow anymore?" I ask in shock. Now it's Stefan's turn to be grossed out, "now I'm traumatized he laughs".

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