Family Meetings And Lover Greetings

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hey guysss, how are you guys? i was on vacation for a few days but heres a new chapter, i rly hope you guys like it. also, how hot is damon, how is it possible for someone to be this hot???

I was in my room thinking about last night when William came in. A big smile appeared on my face, he laid down on my bed, "I haven't slept all night, I wrote a song and then I got excited so I started the melody and I ended up sleeping for only two hours" he groans, I lay down next to him, kiss his cheek, and lay my head on his chest. "aww, I can't wait to hear the song" I tell him. "yeah" he mumbles and wraps his arms around my waist and I feel his head lean on mine. "I love you" I mumble, "I love you too" he answers.

"auro-" Elena entered my room but stopped talking when she saw William. "are you crying?" I ask, getting out of my bed. "it's just, Stefan" Elena cries, "is this the part where I go home?" William asks, "would you hate me for it?" I ask, he gets out of bed with a smile on his face, "I could never hate you" he says, he kisses my forehead, "bye Elena" he says and walks out. "come here" I say, I grab her wrist and we lay down on my bed, she hugs a pillow, "so wassup" I ask.

"Stefan wants to leave, he thinks it's safer for us," she says, "what?" I ask, "yeah he wants to leave Mystic falls," she says. That can't happen, he can't just leave me. "would you hate me if went to his place to break his spine?" I ask her, "go ahead," she answers, and that's what I did, I sped to his place. Damon and Stefan were talking, I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall, I was ✨pissed✨.

"Aurora," Stefan said, "dick" I smiled. "ouch" Damon laughed, he came to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "I'm not gonna allow you to leave," I tell him, "you can't keep me here," Stefan says, "you can break up with Elena all you want but you can't break the sire bond so if you leave" I grin, "I'm coming with you". "no you're not," he says, "yes I am," I tell him. "you're sired to me, you're gonna do what I say, and you are staying here," he says and taps my head as if I'm a dog, "good girl". "Damon? Wanna drink?" I ask him, "Hey, you're not gonna drink, you have to go to school," Stefan says. "and by the way, I'm not leaving, there's a new vampire in town, now I'm gonna go inform Elena and you are going to school" I roll my eyes. Stefan speeds away.

Damon takes a bottle of bourbon sits on the couch, "come here" he says. I sit down next to him take the bottle, take a sip, and ask, "so, new vampire huh ?", he groans, "a woman was killed, sheriff Forbes told me just before you arrived". I nod, "were you gonna leave too?" I ask, "I could never leave my only friend" Damon grins. I take a few gulps of bourbon before he snatches the bottle away, "hey!" I laugh, "so what do want to do today?" he asks. "nothing" I answer. "let's dance," he says. He puts on music and starts dancing, he's pretty hot.

 He puts on music and starts dancing, he's pretty hot

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I laugh and get up to dance with him. Soon my drunk ass starts grinding, and his hands end up on hips and his lips end up on my neck. "I always wanna have fun" I laugh, "you can if you stay with me," he says, "I can't, I have a life, I have a boyfriend" I giggle, "if you have a boyfriend why are you dancing with me," he asks, "because you are my friend!". "friends don't feel like we do right now," he says, I roll my eyes "they don't dance as we do," he said. "yeah yeah you're getting boring," I say, "I have an idea," I tell Damon. "and what's that?" he asks. "let's go feed on bad people," I say, "on people?" Damon asks. "yeah," I say, "wait how are you able to eat people? Didn't Stefan say that you had to eat animals?" Damon asks, "he said I could drink people's blood," I say, "I think he meant from blood bags but whatever I guess".

"let's go then," he says. He picks me up and speeds to the grill, "what are we doing here?" I ask, he takes my hand and we enter the bar, it's still morning and most people are in school or at work. Damon orders ten shots of something, while I observe the faces of the people in the bar, "what we're going to do today is eat and erase, simple and no killing" Damon grins, I nod and take a shot. My phone starts ringing, I'm about to take it to answer but Damon snatches it out my hand and answers, "Roars phone" he says in a happy tone as if he's talking to a two-year-old. "yeah she's right here" he says, "of course, bye William" he says before pressing the phone against my ear, I grab my phone and give Damon a death glare which makes him smirk even more. "hey baby" I say, "Hey baby, why are you with Damon? " William asks. "Stefan broke up with Elena and said he had to leave town and that upset me so I went to see him and then he said he wouldn't leave and then I felt too sad to go to school so I just stayed there with Damon," I tell him.

"oh, have fun, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to meet my parents, they live an hour away from Mystic falls but they're very good friends with the principal so we can stay there two nights without school being a problem, so if you-oh shit I gotta go the teacher is coming back, bye I love you," he says. I hang up the phone and laugh, "you're saying I love you already? It's what? A week or two since you've been dating?" Damon remarks. I take another shot and so does Damon. "actually, he told me he loved me the day he asked me to be his girlfriend" I tell Damon, "what? That's weird" Damon says, "no, it's romantic and I love him, I think we're soulmates" I laugh. He rolls his eyes, "anyways who do you wanna eat" Damon asks, "I don't know" I pout. "come with me he says", he walks to a girl, she's a pretty blonde girl. "follow us" Damon compels her. We walk outside and go into an alley, Damon compels the girl and starts drinking from her neck. I start drinking from the other side of her neck. Soon I feel Damon's hand on the small of my back, "hey it's time to stop" he says, I didn't want to stop, "c'mon we don't wanna kill her" he says. That's when I stop drinking from her. I wipe my mouth with my sleeve.

"Let's go back home," I say, "you want me to come with you?" Damon asks, he looks surprised, "sure why not?" I answer. I grab his hand before we speed to my house. "Jenna you there?" I ask, no response. We go to my room, while I feed my lizard Damon lays down on my bed. "why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I ask when I'm done feeding my lizard. He shrugs his shoulders, "it's hot" he answers. "whatever" I laugh.


"were here," William says. We get out his car, his parent's house is in a field in the middle of nowhere, the house reminds me of the one in 'call me by your name'. We grab our bags and walk to the house, "do you think they'll like me?" I ask William, "of course they will," he says. That makes me smile, he knocks on the door and a woman opens it, "hey mom" William says, "William! My boy!" she says and hugs him tight, "and you must be Aurora, it's so nice to meet you! Come in! " his mother says and hugs me too, "it's so nice to meet you! " I tell her, "you can call me Mariëtte," the woman says, she had bright blue eyes and blonde hair, just like William, "your father is at work he'll be back for dinner," Mariëtte said. "baby, can you help me carry the bags to our room?" William asked, "of course" I answer, I help him carry the bags upstairs. I was happy to escape from Mystic falls for a while, away from New vampires and Damon Salvatore, the big bad vampire.

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