Flowers Have Thorns

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Hi guys, please listen to lemon boy by cave Town it's beautyfull :)
-Love Aggie

Hi guys, please listen to lemon boy by cave Town it's beautyfull :) -Love Aggie

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"YOU CAN'T just take away every memory of her best friend," Stefan said. "I could agree to erase Jeremy's memory of Vickie, but I won't let you compel Aurora, Damon". Honestly, I prefer to not compel Rory I genuinely like her and care for her even tho I don't know her.

"Damon I beg you, she is not gonna be able to get over this, it's the best for her, her best friend died in front of her" Elena begs ignoring Stefan, Stefan frowns, "I'm not gonna let Damon do this" he repeats.

"for the first time in 15 years I completely agree with the bunny eater" I smirk. "but... If you want me to I can compel Jeremy" I said.

After begging me for a while to compel Rory I only compelled Jeremy. My pupils dilated and I took the hurt away, the tears stopped streaming and he forgot the images of Vickie getting killed.

After compelling Jeremy I went to Rory's room, her pretty blonde curls were messy, since I met her I've wondered how come her hair is blonde but both Jeremy and Elena have brown hair.

She was crying holding a picture, the picture was Carter laughing in the rain. When I came into her room she wiped away her tears.

"Are you gonna kill me?" she asks bluntly. Does she think I want to kill her? "I'm not going to kill you," I say, she nods, I sit down next to her, I wrap my arms around her and I explain her all about the vampire world. I know she's scared, I know it because she doesn't move when I hold her.


I think she is maybe a little mad at Elena for compelling Jeremy cause right now she's yelling at Elena, it's kinda hot tho.

Now Elena is getting mad too, I grin watching Rory insulting Elena and Elena being pissed at Rory.

My baby bro didn't know what to do so he was just standing there watching.

"Damon! Why are you smirking like that?!" She yells, she needs to calm down.

"Elena you need to calm your tits" I sigh smirking. She glares at me if looks could kill.

"Rory, do you understand what is going on?" Stefan asks annoyed at Elena and me.

"You guys are bloodsucking murderers, yeah I get it!" she yells at Stef. Ouchhh my brother looks hurt by her words which makes me smirk even more.

"oh we are a lot more than killers," I say speeding towards her. I'm just a few inches away from her face, she shivers and looks down.

"so do you like shine in the sun?" she asks, she puts a hand on my chest and pushes me away. "no, but we burn" I chuckle. "oh" she replies.

"You know, I don't feed on humans I feed on animals," Stefan tells her, she grimaces, a face of disgust. "that's just as bad," she says frowning. "whatever, I'm going to the grill, would you like to join me?" I asked with a grin.

"Nah I'm good, I wanna talk to Stefan," she says, both Elena and Stefan look confused. I groan and speed out of her house.

No one's pov :)

"so what did you wanna talk about?" Elena asked raising her brows. The blonde answered quickly still annoyed at her older sister, "I wanted to talk to Stefan not you". Elena looked hurt but Aurora didn't care, "can you do that speed thing too?" she asked.

Stefan nodded, he grabbed her and sped to the boarding house, once they arrived the blonde looked around this house was huge, she liked it, it felt old and safe like she belonged there.

"so what did you wanna talk about?" The youngest Salvatore asked. "oh nothing in particular, just about you drinking bunny blood ya know" she shrugged. He sighed at her sarcasm. She couldn't help but chuckle.

"I can see you already replaced me," a young, pretty, blonde-haired girl said, Rory jumped a bit because of her sudden appearance and Stefans eyes widened. He turned around and smiled, like a happy smile, not a 'sweet-Stefan-smile' a genuinely happy smile.

"Lexi" he muttered, he then hugged her, it was weird for Aurora because she normally says that everyone is "being there all alone and awkward" but now she was the one standing alone and awkward. She didn't wanna interrupt them though.

"Aurora this is Lexi, my best friend," he said, the blonde then used her vampire speed to go hug Rory, "you can call me Rory," Aurora said. "nice to meet you" Lexi smiled, "so tell me are you Stefans new girlfriend?" she asked grinning. "no, but my sister is though, I'm more into the 'bad boys', maybe I should hook up with Damon" the youngest Gilbert shrugged.

"first of all, Damon is bad news, second of all, STEFF GOT A GIRLFRIEND" she jumped clapping her hands.

Rory felt like a stake went right through her heart. This reminded her of Carter when he had his first girlfriend and Rory was so proud of him, and when they broke up they played video games with Jeremy all night. She felt bad that Jeremy didn't know that both his girlfriend and one of his close friends died. She decided to leave it and just think of something else it was easier to just ignore the pain.

The night Carter died she asked Damon to bury him in the woods next to the tree where they had carved their names in as kids. She wanted to bring flowers say goodbye once and for all.

"I gotta go, bye," she said. The two best friends mumbled something and she got out of the house, on her way to the store to get the prettiest flowers. When she found the perfect flowers she decided something was missing they didn't have Thorns, they were too soft for Carter it didn't match his personality. After a while she found flowers with thorns, they weren't roses they were just cool, she didn't need to know the names of the flowers. Carter would have loved them

Meanwhile, at the boarding house, Lexi just met the doppelganger, Elena wasn't very happy at the sight of a pretty blonde in only a towel in her boyfriend's house.

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