It All Feels So Different

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I gasped, air filled my lungs

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I gasped, air filled my lungs. My head was pounding, my throat was burning, and needed some water, I was hungry so damn hungry.

I looked around the room, muffled voices filled my ears. After my blurry vision wasn't blurry anymore, I saw I was in Elena's arms, she was smiling and crying and saying stuff I still didn't understand. I turned my head, big mistake, it hurtled like hell, I grabbed my head, squeezed my eyes shut, and groaned.

I opened my eyes again and next to me was a beautiful male with blue eyes and dark hair. Damon. He was squad down next to the sofa Elena was holding me.

"You are alive" Elena sobbed before hugging me tightly, I couldn't breathe and couldn't move which frustrated me, pushed Elena away and flew into the wall, the pain went down my spine as I inhaled deeply.

But now it was Damon's turn suffocate me. It was as if his blue eyes pierced through my soul. I was still pressed against the wall, he cupped my cheeks with his large hands. "hey" he whispered/laughed. I just freaked out. I needed space. I wanted to run, see if Jeremy was somewhere but for some reason when I ran, I ran extremely fast and I crashed into the wall.

I was confused, my eyes started tearing. As I looked around the room, I saw Stefan's nice face, he looked worried. Elena sobbed and put a hand in front of her mouth, she looked at me like I was crazy. Damon looked at me with a look of pity.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, looking at the ground. I just rushed out of the house. I ran until stopped. I breathed, fresh air.

Two arms wrapped around my waist, of course, those arms belonged to no one other than Damon Salvatore. "I wanna show you something," he said. He grabbed my hand and started running. We ran into the woods.

We ran so fast yet it felt like we were moving in slow-motion. My sight was better, I could smell Damon's cologne even tho we weren't that close. Then we stopped running. He hugged me and I felt like crying. Everything feels so different.

"do you wanna tell me what happened?" Damon asked. "when I was there the man kept saying stuff about babies" I tried to remember but it made my head hurt. "babies?" Damon asked. I breathed in his scent. It was nice. "yeah, Damon I think I'm the first vampire that can have children," I said. I looked at him in the eyes. "you didn't complete your transition yet, are you gonna become a vampire or die?" he asked while stroking my hair with his hand.

"I don't want to die" I sobbed. "you don't have too, I'll help you and if you can have kids you are so special," he said kissing my forehead. I chuckled "so I'm only special cause I can have kids, great". "that's not what I meant and you know it".

"let's go back, yeah?" I asked, he nodded and we made our way back.

Arriving at the boarding house I was scared. Scared to see Elena, scared to disappoint Stefan.


"hey," I muttered. All eyes were on me. Stefan came forward, he opened his arms and I snuggled into his chest, wrapping my arms around the tall boy, he smelled nice, but he smiled like the complete opposite of Damon, he smelled soft I couldn't tell why it was so different. His smell was like... His smell. Not like the newest Gucci cologne, it was way better, it was Stefan.

I didn't wanna let go of him but I had to, I had to face my sister. I let go of him and smiled at him. Then I looked at Elena. I tried to smile, when I tried the smile was crooked. I looked at Damon for help, he winked and nodded.

"hi, Lena" I let out, my voice cracked, like a teenage boy going through puberty. "hi Aurora" she answered, her voice also cracked, two boys, going through puberty in one room. Great.

She hugged me. And I felt like crying, but I didn't. "I'm fine" I croaked, "you are, you are fine, safe," she said stroking my hair. "yeah I am".

"I'm gonna take a nap," I said. "yeah that's a great idea," Elena said. So I went upstairs laid down in my bed. I closed my eyes and thought of everything. Drowning in that water, waking up and that water drowning me, that pig putting me in the water, breathing in the water. Drowning in that water. Drowning. Dying.

I gasped when I felt something heavy on my Bodie. I opened my eyes and looked into Damon's. "you know you're heavy right?" I asked trying to breathe. "yeah," he said and placed his face in my neck, I wondered if my hair stank from the vervain water but he didn't seem to care and it didn't hurt him. Maybe Elena washed my hair, for sure she gave me a new dress. She is a great sister, I should be a better sister.

As my fingers found their way to Damon's hair and suddenly he wasn't heavy anymore, I was able to breathe, "I didn't think you would be a cuddle guy" I whispered, "I am not, but you are a cuddle girl". "hmmm..." I answered, I was satisfied, I was with Damon.

Not edited.

Hi guys, thanks for the love recently I know it's not much but I'm so happy with 500 reads, love yall and have a great day :)

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