Part 5, Chapter 37- NEWT Exams

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Hey beautiful!

I miss you more than words can say. The shops is fantastic! I can't wait for you all to see it. Three whole floors full of our products. I still can't believe that we've done it. Mum and Dad came to see it the other day. Mum actually cried, said she was proud of us.

Are people still talking about us? I can't believe that they've been saying that they're 'going to pull a Weasley' Have they figured out how to get rid of the swamp yet? I know you said that Umbridge couldn't manage to get it done but I'm surprised that Flitty or McG couldn't get it.

Exams are coming up so I'm not expecting a response from you anytime soon. I know that I don't have to wish you luck because you're always top of our class but I'm going to say it anyway. Good luck darling. The faster you get your exams finished the faster I can have you in my arms again.

Have you heard anything from your parents? Or your Aunt and Uncle? There's been whispering in the Order but no one seems to bother to fill us in. I've heard that Mister Clarence and good old Wally joined after Easter. I'm a little bit shocked honestly, Wally never struck me as the fighting type.

Speaking of Walter, he and Lee are still together right? I hope those two never break up. Also! I dunno if Emma told you but she and Fred have been sending letters back and forth. Nothing too racy I don't think just keeping each other informed about what's going on in their lives.

I best be off, Fred needs me to cook up a few more skiving snack boxes tonight. We've also got to interview people for a cashier position, especially since summer is so close. I love you, I miss you. I'll see you soon.

Yours, Georgie

I read the letter four times over once I take it off of the owl that George sent. I slip a Knut into the pouch that's attached to its leg and it flies back out of the window it came from. My last exam is today. Transfiguration with Emma and Lee. It's bound to be the hardest exam that I had this year, three hour written portion covering everything we've ever learned this year, and one hour for the perfect human transfiguration.

"We better be off Violet. I'd rather not be late for McGonagall's exam." Emma says to me.

"No yeah, let's head off," I say. I fold the letter back up and slip it into the envelope before putting it in my robe pocket and picking up my bag.

"Good luck you two!" Walter calls after us. I blow him a kiss before leaving the great hall and Emma and I rush up the stairs to the transfiguration class. The only good thing that has come from Umbridge being Headmistress or whatever it is is that fifth and seventh years no longer have to write their written portions in the great hall all at once anymore. I remember being in fifth year absolutely terrified of the seventh years.

Lee is standing at the closed door with a few of the other students in the class each of them have their textbooks or notes in their hands reading facts off and quizzing each other.

"Violet! Do you remember all the steps for the transformation formula?" Ravenclaw student Daniel practically shouts at me when he sees me.

"Yeah, it's uhh, bodyweight, viciousness, wand power, concentration, and zoology," I say remembering the note that I read off of not fifteen minutes before this.

The door opens, instantly I start to freak out a bit. I can feel my own heartbeat get faster so I assume that George's ring is pulsing like mad right now. "All that you are allowed to bring inside is one quill, and one bottle of ink. The rest of your belongings will be left in the hall" McGonagall says sternly. "Before the test begins I will be checking each of your quills for any charms as well as your ink. Cheating on your NEWT levels is grounds for expulsion and you will be unable to take another year at Hogwarts to try and make up for it. Do I make myself clear?"

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