Part 8, Chapter 6- Christmas Preparation

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I wake up to clinking dishes coming from the kitchen. When I open my eyes I realize that I'm still on the couch with George. He's completely passed out, the book he was reading me has fallen onto the floor.

I very carefully untangle myself from George and cover him with the blanket again. Before I go into the kitchen I kiss his forehead.

"Oh, Violet I'm sorry if I woke you," Molly says turning around when she hears my footsteps.

I smile and shake my head, "It's alright Molly. You need help with anything?"

"Oh no, it's alright. I'm just going to make some muffins and fruit for breakfast if that's alright with you." Molly wipes her hands on her apron and smiles at me again before going back to work on the muffin batter.

"I was wondering... If Draco and his girlfriend could come by for Christmas dinner? I would really like my two families to interact and get along." I say after a moment. I sit down at the table and wait for Molly's response.

"Course it's alright dear, this is your house too and you can invite whomever you choose." She says without turning around.

It makes me feel all warm inside, knowing that Draco will be able to spend Christmas with a real loving family and not the cold stares of my aunt and uncle that we are both used to. For the first time in a long time the thought of Christmas doesn't freak me out.

The rest of the house is awake soon. George comes shuffling in from the living room with the blanket still around his shoulders. He comes over to me and covers me with it. "Hey beautiful." He whispers.

I look up at him and smile, "Hey..." He leans down for a kiss but I dodge him, "Don't you dare try to kiss me with your morning breath. You could kill a dragon with that."

"Killing dragons? Don't let Charlie hear you." Ginny says yawning as she walks into the room.

"Tell your brother to brush his teeth then." I say pulling a face.

George sits down beside me and rolls his eyes, "Right because your breath smells like roses." He looks at me, "But my love is bigger than morning breath, unlike some people."

Ginny snorts, "Merlin's beard George that was awful. How do you put up with him?" She looks at me with her eyebrows raised and I laugh.

"Dunno honestly. It's a real chore."

Molly laughs from her spot by the oven, "They sound just like you and Harry." She says to her daughter, "It's alright to be in love."

Ginny pulls a face of disgust which makes me laugh, "Yeah just wait till Harrys here for the holidays all it is 'oh my little chosen one you're so strong! You're so braaave. Killing Lord Voldemort like you did." George sways in his chair as he does his best Ginny impression.

Ginny pulls out her wand from Merlin knows where and points it across the table at her brother, "I'm take off your other ear in a second." She threatens.

"No wands at the table!" Molly shrieks looking at her daughter, "And ears are staying on please and thank you."

"Yeah Gin no wands at the table." George sticks his tongue out at her.

The front door opens and Harry, Ron, and Hermione walk in. Ginny gets up and goes to kiss Harry. George nudges me with his shoulder, "See? Harry doesn't care about morning breath."

I kiss my fingers and touch his lips with my hand, "That's the only kiss that you're going to get till you brush your damn teeth Weasley."

Arthur comes in the door not too long after the trio is seated at the table and we all start eating breakfast. Ginny and Harry keep looking at each other, muttering something, then looking around the table. It takes forever before either of them say something.

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