Part 5, Chapter 16- Angry George is like... Really Attractive

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I stand up from Draco's bed and grab George's arm. I drag him through the hospital wing and pull him out into the corridor.

"You fucking attacked my cousin!" I roar.

George goes red, "You should have heard what he was saying! He deserved every bit of it that fucking-"

"Don't you FUCKING dare finish that sentence or I swear to god George..."

George looks at me, "You'll what? Stun me? Send me soaring twenty feet in the air?"

"You deserved that. Who the hell do you think you are attacking a fifteen-year-old!"

George laughs, "Just like you singing and chanting about how awful my brother is at quidditch?"

"That's different!"

"Really? How so?"

My hand twitches, I want to pull my wand out again but I don't, "Is Ronald in the infirmary? Does he have a broken nose and cracked ribs and a fucking black eye? Or is he in your fucking common room right now talking shit?"

George roars with anger and pulls on his hair, "You fucking attacked me, Violet."

"And I'll do it again! How dare you fucking attack Draco!"

"He was saying shit! Do you not expect me to defend myself?"

My heart is pounding, my head hurts like I was just punched in the skull, "Of course he was saying shit! You just beat him in quidditch! And he's Draco! He runs his mouth faster than a fucking Hippogriff!" I look at George my entire body shaking I'm so angry, "What did he say? Tell me what he said to justify your fucking beating."

George shrinks down into himself, "Called my mum fat and ugly, called my dad a useless loser... said we stank..."

I laugh out loud and quickly cover my mouth with my hand, George is right pissed off now, "You're fucking kidding me right now? He said that you stink and you broke his nose!" I scream the last part, a few students further down the corridor run in the opposite direction. George opens his mouth to speak but I don't let him. "I thought last year was just a one-off. Draco ran his mouth about Cedric which is a genuine thing to get mad at and you fucking hexed him. That made sense! That he deserved! But a fucking beating because he said that you stink? Are you FUCKING kidding me."

George and I look at each other for a long time, both of us furious. It feels like we are staring at each other for hours.

"I love you," George says... well says isn't the right word for it, he more spits the words out of his mouth like they taste bad.

I roll my eyes, "I'm fucking mad at you." I say to him.

"Doesn't matter. Say it back."

"I fucking stunned you."

"Fucking say it back Violet."

I stare at him. He looks just as pissed off, if not more pissed off then before. "I love you."

In nearly one step George grabs me and presses me up against the cold, stone wall of the corridor, "You fucking stunned me." He practically growls into my ear.

"You fucking beat my cousin to a god damn pulp!" I snap back at him. Both of his hands are pressed against the wall on either side of my head. Our hot breath mixing in the middle of us, he smells like spearmint, cinnamon, and old spice deodorant.

My eyes flick from his eyes, down to his lips, and back up to his eyes. I lick my lips slightly and George watches me with a sort of hunger. I'm going to regret saying this tomorrow, "Draco was right..." I whisper softly, "... you do stink."

"Fuck you." He snaps.

"Is that a promise?"

George and I have been together for a very long time but he's never kissed me the way he's kissing me now. Normally I'm always in charge but not today. George presses into me with his entire body, literally flattening me against the wall. My hands are in his hair tugging at the ends of it, his hands are pushing me into the wall further. Making it impossible to move.

He starts kissing across my jawline and latches onto my neck, "Don't leave a mark." I practically moan.

George stops and looks at me, "You think this fucking gash on my lip won't leave a mark? Shut the fuck up." George goes back to sucking and biting on my neck, and honestly? It's the most turned on I've ever been.

Then he stops, stops everything. Actually takes a step back from me. We're both out of breath. He looks at me and smiles a little, "Let's go then." He says.

I wipe my bottom lip with my sweater sleeve, "Go where?"

George steps closer to me again and puts his mouth practically on my ear, "Well unless you want me to screw you in the middle of this corridor you're coming with me." His lips brush against my ear with every word sending shivers down my spine.

He doesn't give me a chance to say anything, he grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall towards the Gryffindor common room.

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