Part 6, Chapter 9- Hogsmeade and Fred Weasley

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The last day of November, the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. Currently, I'm sitting in the middle of the Three Broomsticks waiting to meet up with Draco. I wave over Madam Rosmerta and she brings me another Butterbeer. She's not how I remember her, no smile on her face, her eyes sort of void of all emotion. Guess that's what happens when there's a war brewing.


I sin around in my barstool and look at Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise. "You four haven't seen my cousin have you?" I ask them. I lean my elbows on the bar behind me.

They look at each other for a moment then Blaise speaks, "He's got himself a detention with McGonagall. He hasn't been submitting his homework recently."

I roll my eyes, "Course he hasn't. Alright, thanks. Enjoy your Hogsmeade visit." I pile two galleons on the bar to pay for my drinks as well as a tip and get up off my stool. I pull my hood up over my face and walk out of the bar. I stand outside in the snow for a moment trying to decide what I'm going to do. Because I have the Dark Mark, every time I apparate I turn into a big puff of black smoke, which makes apparating in public rather difficult.

I push through the crowd of Hogwarts students and start off towards the shrieking shack. Once I am far enough away from everyone else I apparate away. I land in Diagon Alley and look both ways before I make my way to the twins shop.

I push the door open and a bell rings above me. The shop is a lot quieter than it was the first time I was here. The girl who I spoke with last time is standing behind the counter that is set up in the middle of the shop, "Hullo! Welcome to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes! I'm Verity, just let me know if you need anything alright?" She says cheerily.

"Right thanks." I say softly. I start to look around the shop at all the wonderful things they've got.

"Verity head on off for your lunch break. You can have like two hours given there's not much going on." I can hear Fred say to her.

I walk a little closer to the counter. Once Verity has left the shop it's just me and Fred on the main floor. I pick up a skiving snack box and go over to the counter, still hiding my face a bit.

Fred punches a few things on the typewrite on the desk, "That'll be a galleon and two sickles." He says to me.

"Perfect thanks." I say to him.

I can see Fred stop moving out of the corner of my eye, "Oh bloody hell, Violet?" He says to me.

I move the hood of my cloak a bit so he can see my face, "Miss me Freddie?" I say smiling at him a bit.

"For someone who's not supposed to be here, you sure come here a lot." Fred says shaking his head a bit.

I shrug my shoulders, "I miss him. Is he around?"

Fred turns and looks up the stairs that are behind him, "He's upstairs sleeping." He looks back at me, "You've got to stop doing this, coming here, seeing him. You're meant to be broken up."

"I know, but I can't stay away Fred. I love him with my entire body." I say to him.

Fred takes a deep breath, "You know when you broke up with him over the summer he cried in his room for like a week? And I thought I understood, you couldn't continue to see him because it would put all of our lives in danger. But now you're here for the second time doing what? Making yourselves both feel like shit and risking every ones lives for a quick screw?"

My heart aches, "No sugar coating there eh Freddie." I mumble.

"Violet you're my best friend and I love you to death, but George is my twin brother. I can't let you come in here whenever you want just to see him for a moment, get his hopes up, then don't talk to him for months. I'm sorry but I can't let you see him anymore."

I look at Fred for a few moments before shaking out of it, "A galleon, two sickles you said?" I pull my coin purse out of my pocket and start to look through it.

"You don't pay here Violet. No matter what happened between you and George, you don't pay here." Fred pushes the box of candies across the counter towards me with a sad sort of smile on his face.

I smile at him and put the box in my pocket, "Have you heard from Lee and Walter at all?" I whisper to him.

Fred nods a couple times, "Yeah, Walter's family is in hiding, Lee's family is just keeping a low profile right now. They're still together last I heard."

I smile again, "That's great yeah..." I look at Fred, "Emma says hello by the way. She misses you dearly." I pull the hood up over my face again and walk towards the door.

"Fucking hell Fred, why'd you let me sleep in for so long?" George says from behind me. It feels like my entire body stutters. I'm fighting against myself whether or not to turn around. All I can think of is Fred's words 'get his hopes up then not talk to him for months' echoes in my head.

"Have a great rest of your day love!" George calls out to me, not knowing who I am. Hearing him call me love, god I just want to turn around and walk right up to him.

"Uh yeah, you as well." I say loudly before forcing myself out of the store. The door swings shut behind me. I turn around to look through the window. Fred and George are both staring at me. Fred looks annoyed, George looks absolutely destroyed. George starts to move towards the front of the store, right as he pushes the door open I apparate away.

I land in my room at the Manor and I rip my cloak off and shove it in my closet. My head spins, Fred's words echoing through my head, 'I won't let you see him anymore'. He's right though, I can't keep doing that, it's unhealthy for the both of us. It's dangerous for the both of us. It's not right. I can't get George's face out of my head.




He looks as if someone cut off his hand, that's the amount of pain that was in his face when he saw me. I can never do that to him again, I won't ever do that to him again. I can't ever see him that broken ever again. I think it's what I needed to do, go there, see him like that, have Fred open my eyes to how badly my actions have made George feel. I'm done, I'm done with George Weasley.

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