Part 4, Chapter 29- Awkward Family Relations

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At around eleven at night, the majority of the student body has disappeared out of the great hall. Fred and Emma are dancing very close together still. Walter and Lee are snuggling together on a set of chairs nearby.

George is talking about quidditch with Roger Davies while Fleur stands beside them looking bored with the entire thing. I excuse myself and go over to where Lee and Walter have set up camp.

"One of you go get Emma and Fred, we should go give the boys their present now before teachers call curfew," I say to the boys.

Lee yawns and groans but he gets up and goes to get Emma and Fred from the dance floor.

"Georgie! Let's head out." I call. George does some weird bro hug thing with Roger and comes over to where Walter and I are.

"Let's go exchange presents before curfew yeah?" I say when we are all together. Fred and Emma are still holding hands. The fact that Emma's head maybe comes up to the middle of Fred's chest makes my heart happy.

Everyone agrees and George takes my hand and we walk out of the great hall. We pass a few crying girls on the steps, and some couples that really should be doing what they are doing in the privacy of their dorm room.

We go out into the courtyard. Its lit up with lanterns which makes the snow on the ground look ridiculously soft. The cold air feels fantastic on our hot skin. We force Fred and George to sit on a bench, the four of us stand in front of them.

"We all pitched in and got you something to share. I hope you don't mind." Walter says. He pulls the rather large velvet bag full of money out of his pocket and tosses at Fred and George.

"Oh guys you really didn't have to do that." Fred says holding the bag.

We all smiles, "It was Violet's idea. A bloody brilliant one at that." Emma says gleaming.

Fred and George look at each other before Fred opens up the bag, "Oh no guys. No."

George peers into the bag that his brother is holding, "Are you mad? We can't take this." George says. His eyes are wide, he looks between us all. "We can't take your money."

"Theres 158 galleons, 36 sickles, and 25 knuts in there. We all pitched in, even Draco tossed in five galleons. We believe in you. You're going to have a fantastic business one day." I say to them both.

George stands from the bench and comes over to me, "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" He whispers.

"I knew you were going to do great things years ago when I made you that sign. You're meant for greatness George Weasley." I whisper back to him.

"I fucking love you guys." Fred says. He stand from the bench as well and pulls us all into a great big hug.

George grabs my face with both of his hands, "You amaze me." He says through a big smile.

"Likewise." I kiss him and all of our friends howl. But they weren't howling for me and George. I look over at Fred and Emma who were lip locked holding each other close.

"That's my handiwork!" I shout. Emma flips me off, still kissing Fred very passionately.

We all break away after that. Fred and Emma run off somewhere together, Lee and Walter say their going to go on a walk. And George and I stay in the court yard.

"Your mothers going to hate that I've given you two money to support your antics." I say to George. We sit down on one of the benches. I lean my head back and look up into the stars, "She'll never let be back into the house."

"Are you mad? Mum loves you more than she loves me half the time." George looks up at the sky too.

"You know that nearly everyone in my family is named after a star?" I sigh.

I don't look at him but I know that George is now looking at me. "Oh yeah?"

"Except me. My mother named me after my great-great grandmother Violetta Bulstrode."

George doesn't say anything for a while. "I'm pretty sure that means that we are distant cousins."

That catches my attention. "I beg your pardon?" I look over at him, George has the same expression on his face that I have on mine.

"Your great-great grandmother married Cygnus Black right?" I nod a few times, "Cygnus Black is the brother of my great grandfather Arcturus."

My brain feels like its going to explode. "I don't know of an Arcturus on our family tree... There is a burn out in that generation though..."

George nods, "Dad always said that his grandfather Arcturus was fond of muggles and how they function."

I shudder, "So we're... what does that make us? Third cousins or something?"

George and I both look at each other in both shock and horror. "Our children are going to be messed right up aren't they?" George says.

I nearly choke on my own spit, "Children...? You think about having children with me?"

George smile falters a little, "Course I do. Five kids specifically, hopefully a set of twins because I want my kids to experience the same bond that Fred and I have. Don't you think about that stuff too?"

"I mean yeah course I do." Pause, "I'm sorry I just can't stop thinking about the fact that we are related. And now that I think about it, I think I'm related to Crabbe too... and Neville if you go back far enough."

"I think you're related to Harry as well... I mean, we're related to Harry." George puts his head in his hands and groans really loudly.

"Why the hell did you have to say anything! Now I feel weird!" George and I start laughing really loudly.

"All the pure blood families are related and intertwined some how, cause they don't marry anyone who's not pure." George says.

"God what a weird world we live in."

"You still love me right?" George says.

I peck his cheek, "Obviously."

"Good because I don't think I could handle losing a girlfriend and a cousin in one day."

I pretend to vomit and George laughs, "Never say those words to me ever again."

"What? Girlfriend?"

That Damn Weasley Charm II G.WDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora