Part 3, Chapter 22- Piggybacks

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On the day of the next Hogsmeade trip, the six of us make plans to grab a butterbeer and just sort of hang out. George and Fred have run out of pocket money so neither of them are that exited about going to Hogsmeade to watch all the students buying the things from Zonkos that they can't.

Emma spins around holding two different outfits in front of her, "Which one? Cozy chic? Or 'I don't care about the weather I'm going to look cute' chic?"

I pull on a light blue pair of jeans and stand up from my bed to do up the black leather belt I got for Christmas. "There's still snow on the ground Em."

"So you're saying...?"

I roll my eyes and pull a green and black tartan and pull it on, "I'm saying, I don't care what you wear but I really don't want to hear you complain about the cold all day." I finish the last button on my shirt and tuck the bottom into my pants.

Emma throws a balled-up sock at me and we laugh, "I'm serious! What should I wear?"

I sit back on my bed and pull out a pair of long black hiking boots from under it, "Why do you care so much? It's just Hogsmeade." I pull on the wool socks Molly made for me and shove my feet into my boots.

Emma throws both her outfits onto her bed and sighs, "I care because you and the others put the idea in my head that Fred is the love of my life or whatever and now I feel like I have to look good whenever I'm around him."

I wrap my house scarf around my shoulders and look at her. "That was like two weeks ago. You aren't still worked up about a joke are you?"

Emma looks from the outfits thrown across her bed to me. "Course I'm not. But it wasn't totally a joke, I mean that is what I smell when I'm around that potion."

I look at Emma with my head tilted a bit, "Cozy chic, if I know anything, I know the Weasley boys. If you really are soul mates or whatever, he'll like that outfit more."

Emma squeals and quickly changes into a dark red blouse and black dress pants before topping it off with a beret, her house scarf, and a long black coat. She twirls around twice in her bare feet laughing which makes me laugh and she shoves her feet in socks and shoes.

I stand up, grab my black velvet coat from the footboard on my bed and put my hands in my pockets to make sure I have my coin purse. "Alright lets go, the boys are waiting for us."

Sure enough, when we get out of the common room The Weasleys boys plus Lee and Walter are waiting for us. Lee and Wally are standing a little further away from everyone acting all cute and cuddly.

"God you're attractive." George says to me. I walk over to him and kiss him gently.

I look over at Fred who is sort of left alone and awkward, "Doesn't Emma look good today Fred?" I joke.

Everyone laughs and Fred goes a deep shade of red, "Can we just get going? I told Katie, Angelina, and Kenneth that we would meet him at the Three Broomsticks."

I whip my head around and look at George with wide eyes, "Angelina's coming?" I whisper to him.

George smiles and looks from me to his brother who is now walking away from us with Lee and Walter walking behind him, "Apparently. Don't make a big deal about it though. I don't want him to get uncomfortable and bail."

I take Georges hand in mine and intertwine our fingers, "He's such a cocky bastard when you first meet him. You never would suspect that he's such a sensitive guy." George and I start walking towards the courtyard to meet up with the rest of the students going.

"I'm the same way." George says, "It takes a while to really get past that cocky exterior." I start laughing, really hard. "What's so funny?"

"I love you, but you're not as cocky as you want people to think you are." I say, George scoffs. "You're the sweetest littlest boy with a heart of gold who love a good joke. Freddie's got an ego bigger than Hogwarts itself and it takes time to find the heart of gold he's got buried in there."

"Never call me 'the sweetest littlest boy' ever again. You sound like my mother." George groans.

I nudge George with my elbow, "What's so bad with sounding like your mother? Molly is amazing."

George opens the door to the courtyard and we both walk through it, "Well if I thought about my mother the way that I think about you, I'd have some serious problems." George jokes.

"George oh my god!" I shriek, bumping him with my hip. George starts laughing. We go over to Fred and the others, George is still laughing at his own joke.

"What's so funny Georgie?" Fred asks. He looks from his brother to me, but there's no way in hell I'm going to repeat what he just said.

"Just a little humor between lovers. Nothing worth repeating." George says, making me laugh.

The group starts to move out of the courtyard and down the path to Hogsmeade. Walter and Lee walk ahead of us, fingers interlocked, swinging their arms slowly. The height difference between them is adorable. Lee's head barley reaches Walters shoulder when they are standing side by side.

"They're cute together right?" Emma says watching Lee and Walter.

"I hate couples. All they do is just walk around being all touchy and shit. I want my friend back." Fred says. He tries to sound as disgusted as he possibly can but the smile on his face as he watches Lee and Walter interact says that he's happy for them.

"You may hate couples. But we love you!" I say. I take my hand away from George and jump onto Freds back, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He staggers under my weight but to my surprise he doesn't drop me.

Everyone laughs and Fred hikes me up his back a little more so I don't fall off. "Now I just hate you." He says. But he doesn't shake me off him. I stay on his back for a while. Fred and George talk about the final quidditch match that's taking place after the Easter holiday.

"I need to buy more ink before we go into the Three Broomsticks. And I bet you that Walter has to do the same thing." Emma says. She's walking beside Fred but looking up at me.

"I kind of want to spend some alone time with George so I'm going to try to get him to come with me to Tomes and Scrolls." I tell her.

"You sure you're not going to book a room in Hogs Head?" Emma says. I tap Freds shoulders and he lets me off his back. I touch George's shoulder gently before I take Emmas hand and slow our pace a bit so that we are alone.

"George keeps asking me to be one on one with him. I know he wants to hook up?" Emma and I both start to laugh really hard, "I know that's not the exact wording but you know what I mean. And its not like I don't want to, I really do. But... dunno, school comes before something that my aunt and uncle aren't going to let continue when I'm out of here."

Emma nods slowly taking all of the information in. "I think... that absolute bullshit." I snort and Emma howls with laughter. "I'm serious Violet. Who cares what your family says? Live in the moment and do what makes you happy. You'll sort everything out eventually."

I look at her with a big smile on my face, "Out of all the things I expected you to say, that wasn't one of them honestly."

Emma shrugs and smiles, "We only have two years left of this then you and I are both going to be forced to become Death Eaters. Why not just live in the moment for a change?"

I throw my arm around her shoulders and I kiss her temple very dramatically, "We are two fucked up peas in a pod aren't we?"

Emma laughs, "We're in it till the end. Together forever and all that shit."

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