No Way Out (Part 6)

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The last part........ I'm sorry. *sighs* 

  I stand shivering in the early morning light. I didn't really bother to examine were I was, instead opting to stare down at my feet. Alexander was just a few feet away from me, currently breathing his hot breath onto his glasses and wiping them on the cloth of his clothing to clean them. Alexander had given me his coat to warp around my shoulders but none the less I was still freezing. I didn't understand how Alex wasn't literally frozen. The sun would be rising any minute so I am to curious to why Jefferson hasn't arrived yet. I think back to the day he came to the house. It really was only a few day ago but right now it seems like an eternity. I look over at Alex, who is currently talking to Aaron Burr, his second for the duel.  Jefferson had demanded that Alexander return me to him but Alexander had refused. However, we all knew that knew that matter how many ways you bent it, I still did belong to Jefferson. Hamilton knew that too but he still refused to return me. Jefferson had threatened to take Alex to court but, to that Alexander had just grinned and reminded Jefferson that he was a lawyer and could win in court any day. Jefferson new that, as much as he didn't want to admit it. So it was Jefferson who suggested the duel. Hamilton excepted and so here we were. At dawn. Waiting for our fait to be decided. 

  Jefferson arrived right on time. Madison, his second, and Burr have a lengthy conversation as soon as Jefferson arrives but to neither men can come to a conclusion. So the duel will commence. A doctor is there but I know if someone get shot there was no going back. They would die. I shiver, but this time not from the cold. Alexander had reassured me and told me that he would be carful and walk out alive but there was always the what if factor.  Alexanders confidence hadn't waved sense the duel had been challenged so you were comforted but that. He didn't look scared now either but that made you a little nervous, shouldn't he be at least a little fearful. He couldn't except death, he just couldn't. 

Before you know it it's time for the duel. Alex walks over to me and kisses me on the forehead. He looks down at me, caressing my cheek. "I love you" he says sweetly. I bury myself in his chest and respond.

"I love you too". 

Madison does the counting. Jefferson and Alexander meet in the middle and then it begins. Madison counts from one, working his way up to 10. Then men step with his counting. I study Hamilton, trying to catch his eye of read his mind but his expression is stoney and he refuses to make eye contact. My heart beats faster and faster as they get to 8 then 9 then 10. Both men whip around but my eyes remained glued on Alex. Finally, he makes eye contact with me, raising his gun and pointing it into the sky. He never breaks eye contact with me as Jefferson's pistol is fired. It takes me a second to register what happened. Alex falls to the ground. I scream and run towards him. No one stops me, not even Jefferson. 

"Alexander ," I scream. I drop his coat, running towards him. The bullet hit him square in the chest and he is dead before I reach him. The doctor doesn't even try to help. He is long gone. My tears come without warning and quick. I crouch down next to him, pulling him onto my lap. I call out to him through my tears, as if he was going to rise from the dead. He blood spatters my dress and my hands but I don't care. I am a crying mess as I hold him. I tell him I love him over and over again refusing to use past tense. I run my hands through his hair and try to compose myself. Composing myself while holding dead Alexander in my arms was probably the hardest thing I've ever done but I want to look strong when I look into the eyes of his killer. Eventually I deem myself clam enough and turn around, looking straight at Jefferson. Jefferson doesn't look taken aback. He doesn't look guilty. He doesn't look upset. He. He looks proud. I want to attack him but I know that will just make things worse. I was slave again. I look back at Alexander. I finally understand what Tilly meant. There really is no way out.


I was brought back to Monticello. I never tried to leave again. I continue to be used. My health declines again. My life is miserable. One day I am doing slave work down in the kitchen and I have some time to spare. I decide to go visit Tilly, tell her what happened, return the shawl. She must know I am back by now. While looking for her I run into Ana. I tell her that I am looking for Tilly and ask her to point me in the right direction. Ana doesn't respond just tears up and eventually tells me that Tilly passed on. We cry together for a few minutes and then Ana says something that makes my heart jump. She says this

"Tilly told me something right before she died, she said that if I ever see you again to tell you she found her way out"


Hi, I'm really sorry for writing this. I really wanted to write something to remind this fandom that the times the founding fathers lived in and the founding fathers themselves weren't always butterflies and lollipops. I think this ending needed to be like this to get that message across. So I guess I'm not sorry.

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