The Fire (Part 2)

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   As soon as I get outside I am taken aback. I have known these people, the cast, my family for years and never has I seen any of them in such bad shape. All of them were varying degrees of burnt, sitting on the New York City street in front of our now collapsing Theater. Renee comes up to us crying and hold us both in a tight hug. I couldn't believe this was happening. A few second latter Jasmine and Anthony come up to us and Jasmine begins to babbler about how everyone thought they would never see us again, how we were the only ones missing. Anthony has his arm around the hysterical girl. Only a few people from the ensemble were there but when I asked about it Anthony insisted that they has all gotten out and then gone home right away. 

   We make our way over to the rest of the cast. And then turn around. Being inside the burning building was a whole different playing field then being outside. Outside was almost worse. Seeing my favorite place, the place I had grown as a person, met the people the mean the most to me, pursued my passion, learn how to work hard, was almost unbearable. I feel tears welding in my eyes. I look at Lin. He was crying silently, seemingly unable to look away. I feel some of the cast sink to the ground behind me and I walk up to Lin. We put are arms around each other and fall onto the cold street, holding on to one and other for dear life, covered in ash, tears spilling from our eyes. 

  The fire takes about an hour to put out. The night is cold but my body still had heat stored in it from inside the theater so I was trapped in a cold sweat. Lin and I held on to each other throughout the whole process. Watching our theater be reduced to nothing was to much. When the fire is put out no one know what to do. We had been sitting on the ground in the middle of the street for hours without disruption. No one talked. We looked around at each other, all in terrible shape, exhausted but aware that sleep would not come. All of our belongings were piles of nothingness. There is some discussion on what to do. Almost everyone talks but I just listen. It is decided that no one wants to be apart from each other that night so we make plans to all camp out at Lins place. A few of us still have phones on us so we pass them around, making phone calls to family to let them know what happened, that they were alright, and they would be home by tomorrow. Neither Lin nor I had anyone to call so we stood and watched everyone talking around us. 

   We walk part of the way, just to get to the subway and then sit in a miserably hot train. We get some strange looks from the people around us and I'm sure some of them must recognize us but no one says anything until our last stop when a girl about 13 gets on the train with her mother and spots us. She looks taken aback and though her mom tells her to sit down she slowly walks up to us. She asked us what happened and if we were all okay. I can tell none of us want to answer but Lin gently explains about the fire and that we were all okay. She asks what will happen with the play and to that Lin looks off into the distance and mutters a soft "I don't know." The little girl nods and sits back down next to her mother. It's not until we are getting off the train that I realize what a strange sight we really are. 12 of broadways most prominent stars walking around after midnight brunt up, tired, and riding the subway. 

  When we get to Lin's place no one bothers to do anything but collapse on the living room floor. Lin and I hadn't stopped touching each other in some way since we made it out of the building. It was like a safety net. Now as we sat on the floor of his apartment, me in his arms, I felt safe. Shaken, but safe. Everyone exchanges stories and laughs about the good times. And we cry. Just a little. It doesn't take long for everyone to begin to fall asleep. Jazzy and Anthony are the first ones to fall asleep. Jazzy is resting her head on his chest and his arms are around her.  Everyone begins to lay down and the talking ceases. Me and Lin separate and I fall asleep on the carpet. What a day. 

Hey everyone!!! Just one more part and this story is overrrrr. 

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