No Way Out (Part 5)

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Okay, so this is the second to last chapter in this series and I had to do a big time skip to fit in everything I wanted to. Anyway you are doing much better after a month and you and Alexander are really starting to fall for each other as this month you have really begun to trust him. It's crazy fluffy.

  I laugh Alexander's corny joke and look up into his smiling face. He grins down at me. We are walking around the park arm in arm. I had gained more strength then I had ever had in my life. I am not just skin an bones anymore but I am still a little bit to skinny for my height. I had started eating some more foods. Like solid apples. Alexander really had no idea what he was doing in the kitchen. I had never been better. I have laughed more then I ever though possible this month and I was glad it never had to end. Alexander had told me all his stories and I had listened with great fascination. Sometimes he spoke so intelligently that I didn't understand but normally I got the general picture of the story. Sometimes I would just zone out and watch the way his face moved through the story he was telling. He was fascinated by everything and I was fascinated by him.  I know I am falling hard for Alexander and he is falling for me and thats okay with me. I am scared but I trust him. Every bone in my logical body is saying that it's a bad idea but I also want to beleive fairy tales happen. We stop in front of a pound he spins me into him. I giggle and he is smiling, tucking a hair behind my ear. 

"Careful," I say "I'm still fragile," I say giggling.  He nods. 

"I know, speaking of which we have probably been walking to long, we should head home any way," I am disappointed but he is right. "We should probably head back anyway," he gestures to the dark sky. It hadn't stopped raining sense I arrived in NYC. The days after I arrived one of the biggest storms I've ever seen came in. We begin walking back as fast as we can but Alex knows I can't walk very fast so it because clear to both of us we were going to get rained on. It starts light but it get heavier and heavier and soon it pouring. About 3/4s of the way home Alexander scoops me up, bridal style, and we run through the rain laughing all the way home.  

I swear I hadn't stopped laughing since Alexander and I met. We are still giggling as we make our make towards the bathroom, in search of towels. Alex wraps a white towel around me and I smile, attempting to dry my hair. I wring it out into the towel. It takes us a minute to dry off enough to walk around the finished house without dripping water everywhere. When we do Alexander helps my walk upstairs to change. I change into a warm night gown as it was nearing night fall and we had eaten dinner before our walk. I take Tilly's shawl and wrap that around me too. Alexander had picked it up that night and gone and gotten professionally sewed back to mint condition. Then, I walk out into the hallway and sit in the bay window. From here you can see the rainy streets and all the people rushing by. It had become my favorite place in the world. During my early recovery I would and look at all the people rushing by and wonder their stories. Sometimes I would make them up. I had always liked to make up stories, but being a slave I never learned to read of write. When Alexander heard he vowed to teach me how to read and write so everyone could hear all my stories. I grin at the thought. 

About 10 minutes later, Alexander comes out of his room dried off and changed. He smiles at me and sits down at the bay window. 

"Any new stories today," he asks.  I take a risk.

"Yes, actually. One, it's my favorite so far," I begin nervously . "It's about a girl who was abused her whole life and never thought she would have anyone who cared about her. She had practically given up the will to live when she found herself laying half dead in an alley but then this man came along. He saved her and reminded her that there is beauty left in this world. She learned how to trust people again and, slowly she began to fall in love with the man," I finish, blushing like crazy. I look at Alexander. He is red as well. 

"Does the man love the girl," he asks and I go even redder.

"I, I don't know, I need help with the ending," I say practically shaking. Hamilton moves closer to me.

"Good thing I'm a good writer," he say sweetly. He caress my cheek and I flush. Our faces are getting closer and closer. I'm nervous. What if it is as terrible as when Jefferson would kiss me...

It's not. It's perfect. Alex is gentle and sweet and takes his time. The kiss beautiful and I enjoy every minute of it. Afterwards neither of us could stop smiling. Alexander gently wraps his arms around me and I feel safe.  Feeling safe in the touch of a man was something I never thought I would experience but none the less I've never been happier.  We silently watch the rain and the people, it's so peaceful. I change my mind about my favorite place in the world.  I fall asleep in his arms.

When I wake up the first thing I notice is Alex's absence. The second thing I notice is mens voice talking low and angry downstairs. I slowly make my way down, careful not to trip sense Alex usually helped me down and up the stairs. The voices get my prominent as I walk towards them. I recognize Alexander's voice easily but the other voice. Is it, no, it can't be.  I take it slow and when I finally arrive I practically faint at what I see. It's Thomas Jefferson staring straight through me. He glares and says "thats her, thats my slave. And I want her back."

Ah, so Jefferson is back, yikes. The next chapter will be the last. I want to apologize in a advance for the next chapter. Don't say I didn't warn you. 

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