The Fire (Lin-Manuel x Reader)

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  I yawn and get ready to perform Satisfied one more time before the night is over. Me and the rest of the cast had been rehearsing all day. Not only that, we had been rehearsing the same song over and over again. No matter how hard we tried we couldn't get Satisfied just right. There were so many parts and we had to make it look somewhat like chaos on stage while remain completely organized. I felt terrible for Renee as I was exhausted so she was probably ready to pass out and never wake up again. I play Eliza so it wasn't to bad for me. 

Just like every time it was worst then the last. Lin groans in frustration, Jasmine buried her face in her hands, Anthony throws his hands up in the air, Renee purses her lips, Daveed and Oak exchange frustrated looks, Chris has his fists clenched and an angry look on his face, like he punch through the stage floor, throughout the ensemble I see people exchange low upset conversation and I just stand in silent frustration. No matter how hard we tried we couldn't get it to all come together. Lin clears his throat.

  "Okay guys, we should probably call it quits for the night. This has not been our day. We'll try again tomorrow," he says to the frustrated cast, clearly still frustrated himself. Lin has always been a good friend to me and was never mean of strict to the cast during the rehearsal. When I met Lin I was very attracted to him but I would like to believe I got over that and we have a business relationship. However, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy kissing him every night, even if I was just a stage kiss. Renee always told me she thought Lin has a small crush on me but I refused to believe it.  We all begin to go collect our stuff. Everyone goes in separate directions.  I Walk to my dressing room.  I throw my stuff into my bag. I'm just about to change when a series of strange events begin to unfold. 

     All of it happens in a matter of seconds. So fast I can barley process it. I'm in my dressing room when I feel the gust of obnoxiously hot air. I hear someone scream, possibly Jasmine. The scream is cut off but the sound of an alarm. I feel my heart drop. I connect the dots. A fire. I abandoned my stuff. Over the alarm I here Anthony scream for Jasmine. I immediately think of Lin. Was he safe, did he hear the alarm. Of course he heard the alarm, I say to myself. 

   Then I think of myself.  I run to the door and feel it with the back of my hand, remembering reading something about that in fire safety. Thankfully the door is not hot so I deem it safe to pass to the other side.  There is smoke clouding in the ceiling and I cough a little. The air is hot and dry, but thankfully there are no flames in sight. I try to think of the nearest exit but my brain has gone fuzzy. I form one clear thought. I need Lin. I walk down the hallway trying to find Lin's dressing room. I call out for him, pausing to listen for an answer. I can barley hear the chaos of, most likely the rest of the cast, scrambling to escape. I pray that they are all okay. I doesn't take me long for me to run into flames that were quickly moving towards me. I know I can't go any farther, I'm trapped.

    I run back towards the direction of the dressing room, ducking into a room i'd never noticed. I close the door behind me. I'm panting out of exhaustion and fear. Thats when I feel the arm on my shoulder. I scream and begin thrashing. 

   "Hey, hey, hey, hey, y/n" the voice says "clam down it's me, it't Lin". I stop flailing my arms and focus on his faces. It's dark and I can barley see him but I recognize his voice. 

   "Oh my god, Lin, oh my god, are you okay," I say, rushing into his arms. He pull me into a tight hug. Neither of us have intention of letting go any time soon.

"Yes, y/n I'm fine, just a little shaken," he responds. I nod. Then a question comes to mind.

"Why are you down here, your dressing room isn't even close to this end of the theater," I question, breaking the hug to look up at him.  I see him look down and I almost swear I can see a blush, even in this low light.

"When I heard to fire alarm go off, I just wanted to make sure you got out of the building okay so I came down here and then the flames closed off the hallway and I got scared so I ran in here and I'm sorry I didn't keep going," he spits it out so fast I barley catch it all. My heart melts. He was coming for me. 

"No, Lin, thank you. You thought about me," I say grinning so wide I feel like an idiot. "But we have to get out of here or we are going to burn to get in this closet," and the full affect of the sentence washes over me. We could die. Nothing about me and Lin matter if we can't get out of this quickly falling building. We decide easily that we can't leave the room as the wall of flames we had run in here to hide from was quickly approaching and we would end up trapped in my dressing room. So we were stuck. In the end me and Lin resulted to calling for help, which I know was stupid and ineffective but I universe wasn't leaving us a better option. 

  After about 15 minutes we are about to decide we a doomed and are about to give up when Lin hear's a muffled voice. "Y/n, shh," he whispers "I think hear something". I stop talking immediately and begin to listen. Then I hear it too. Someone was coming for us.  

We make as much noise as we can, until my throat is raw from screaming. About 5 minutes later two men in gas masks show up, telling us to get low to the floor. They lead us through the twists and turn of our mangled, unrecognizable theater. I exchange looks with Lin every minute or so, just a little scared. He give me an encouraging look every time. The flames were hot but scattered and though we weren't to close to them the inside of the building was so hot it felt like all of me was burning. My lungs screamed every time I took a breath. I smoke was black and thick, too much for my lungs to take. Just when I can't take it anymore, I'm about to collapse and give up we reach the exit. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. 

Hamilton One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora