Blessing or Curse (Washington x reader)

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 So I am going to try to write this in second person so don't judge but basically the reader is pregnant and doesn't know how to tell George.

     You pace up and down you and Georges room, nervously fiddling with your hands and the silky fabric of your long expensive dress. Your brain was a blur attempting to form a smart, coherent sentence but failing over and over again. Lost in these jumbled thoughts your brain flashes back to earlier that day at the doctor. The moment your pregnancy had been determined had been the most terrifying of your life. So many things had flooded your sense, excitement, nervousness, curiosity, but most prominently fear. What if George didn't want children or he was to busy to care. He was trying to start a country and you just went and got yourself knocked up. Of course he had been the one to knock you up, but still. You had to stop thinking about all these things for a moment and you sit down on the bed. Breath in, breath out you prompt yourself. Of course George would be happy. Right? Right. You glance at the gold lined grandfather clock. He would be home any minute. You walk downstairs, taking the time to be overly observant of everything in the white house, not even bothering to convince yourself you weren't stalling. The ceiling was so high up. The marble was so many different shades of white. You finally reach the ground level of your beautiful home, looking at the door that he could come through any minute and you realize how real this is. You were pregnant, with the presidents child.

   George's eyes light up as soon as he see you. "Y/n," he grins, almost stupid happy. You smile too hoping he can't tell you're hiding something. You run up to him and he drops all of his luggage to take you in his arms. "I've missed you so much," he whispers in you ear quietly, burying himself in your neck. You hold him tighter. "Me too," you say truthfully because you really had missed George. Half the time you didn't even know were he was anymore, he was so busy trying to get America up on it's feet. You knew that this was an incredible thing he was doing and he would be remembered for it for years and years to come, but it didn't make it any easier. George took your face in his hands caressing it and showered your cheeks with kisses. You giggled. Everything is going to be okay. 

   A few hours later you both sit down to dinner. Normally you would eat in the big fancy dining  room but on special occasions like this you would both sneak into the kitchen and get as much random food as you could find and eat in you room on a skimpy sheet. Though you were pretty sure the whole staff knew it was fun to feel rebellious together. Most of the time it was hard to find something good to eat but these dinners meant a lot to both of you. Plus you figured  it would be a good time to tell about the baby.  George talks about his trip and all the progress they made on our country new law and financial system. You listen as much as you can but your nerves were on over drive as you prepared to tell him. You laugh and smile your way through dinner, almost able to forget why you were so scared. Finally, George asks you how things have been here and you prepare to do it. The words prepare to leave your mouth and you fidget nervously. But you can't. You just can't.  

    You sit in bed cursing yourself. Dinner would have been the prefect time to tell him but you just couldn't do it. To answer his question you babbled something about how the vegetables in the garden were growing very nicely. George had looked at you inquisitively, especially because you didn't even manage the garden, but hadn't pressured you to explain anything. You turned around and looked at George's sleeping silhouette. He really was a very handsome man. You touch his face gently. George I'm carrying your baby, you whisper. And then your heart skips a beat. Georges eyes open. "Really," he says quietly. You feel like a deer caught in the headlights. You thought he was asleep. 

"Uh, I , uhh well, so, yes" you babble "I'm pregnant". You watch George closely. 

"Y/n, thats, thats incredible," he says amazed. " I can't believe our baby is in there," he breaths out, moving closer to you and brushing his hands over your stomach. You giggle.

"Really," you say relieved. He looked so excited like it was the most insanely beautiful miracle he had ever witnessed. You felt so much happy relief.  

"Of course" he smiles, kissing you lightly and wrapping his hands around you. "Y/n, I've never been happier". 

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