Losing Faith In Himself

Start from the beginning

Anakin sucks in, realizing that something must have happened to the Duchess. And he knows how Obi-Wan feels about her, what they went through together all those years ago. But he stays quiet, waiting for Obi-Wan to continue.

"Satine sent out a request for my help to the Council. But Master Yoda and Master Mundi told me that there was nothing we could do. I would have to wait to let the Republic decide what to do." He says. His eyebrows furrow in anger, the scene replaying in his mind. "But I knew that the Republic would never help a neutral system, especially Mandalore. It would break treaties over a hundred years old, leading us into another war. I was just supposed to let her call go unanswered."

"So you took my ship," Anakin says, nodding his head in understanding.

"Sorry about that," Obi-Wan says, softly frowning. "I didn't mean to lose it. And I wanted to tell you at the time about Mandalore, but I knew that the Council would ask you for my location, and the less you knew the better."

Anakin waves it off. "It was broken anyway. And I understand why you didn't tell me."

Obi-Wan gives him a smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. All Anakin sees is sadness. Whatever facade he's putting on, it's only so long before he breaks down. And Anakin will be here to comfort him, just like he did when he was nine. "What happened when you got to Mandalore?"

Obi-Wan turns away, closing his eyes. The memory of that day floods him. He doesn't want to remember it, let alone talk about it. He can still hear her voice, the way it strained to say his name. "I'm not sure I really want to talk about it at the moment."

"Obi-Wan, you can't keep this bottled up," Anakin says, walking towards him. He sits down beside him, hoping that he's showing him that he is someone that his master can confide in. Everyone needs someone. Anakin has Padmé. Obi-Wan can have him. No one can keep everything locked inside themselves.

He takes a shaky breath, his hands trembling in his lap. He knows Anakin is right. But doesn't showing him this side make him seem weak? How can he preach to Anakin about controlling his emotion when even he can't?

But this is Anakin. He will understand that this is just a moment of weakness for him. And besides, it's not like he can go and find one of his other friends to talk about this with. Most of them are on the Council and they can't know that he's disobeyed them. So he swallows down his fear and spills what has happened. "I almost had her." He quietly says. "We were on your ship. We were flying out of the docks, but he was there. He was waiting for me."


Obi-Wan turns, anger in his eyes. "Maul." He spits. "Maul has overthrown Satine. He is ruling Mandalore."

"What does he want with Mandalore?" Anakin asks, confused.

"I don't know, but doesn't matter anymore. He got what he wanted." Obi-Wan says, looking down at his hands.

"What do you mean?" Anakin asks. Obi-Wan remains silent, trying to steady his breathing. He can't close up now. Anakin can't have Obi-Wan shutting him out when he's in this much pain. "Obi-Wan, what did Maul do?"

His fists ball up and his jaw tightens. Anakin can feel the anger and pain radiating off of his master. "He killed Satine." He says through gritted teeth. "He killed her to get back at me. It's all my fault she's dead."

Anakin's stomach drops. "Obi-Wan, don't say that. You didn't kill her." He immediately scolds, his eyes wide at his master. How has he been holding it together for this long? Maul, who killed Qui-Gon, has just killed Satine. How isn't he angrier? Two of the people Obi-Wan cared for are dead at the hands of that beast.

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