" okay kookie your driver will take you to the company as we have to contact all the other owner of the companies who all are joining the today's meeting with us so we will catch up with you later or maybe we will be arriving with them

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" okay kookie your driver will take you to the company as we have to contact all the other owner of the companies who all are joining the today's meeting with us so we will catch up with you later or maybe we will be arriving with them. i hope you  will be alright by your self." bambam explained him with a concern. he was scared to let the younger go by himself afraid anything would happen in between. 

jungkook smiled a bit," don't worry hyung i will be fine. by the way hyung with whom we are having meeting today?" he asked with curiously .

" oh kookie well today all the 8 top ranked companies owner are joining today .maybe all if they have time lemma ask them ."yugyeom said.

" okay , hyung till then i will prepare the meeting room and the project content also will explain the head of department about it so that it will help in the meeting. so see you hyung and noona at the company." with that jungkook's car arrived and he went to company .

all the special members dialed the other's numbers and asked them about the meeting. all the bts members were shocked and amused due to the sudden meting proposal and bambam only mentioned about the meeting with the jeon's company employee. but how can deny the proposal and the chance for them to meet the new member who had made taehyung whipped for him form head to toe? so they all agreed at the proposal and others tell them about the timings as they are already aware about the project and its content. basically it is beneficial for all the companies to work together. with that the others also sit in their cars and leave for the company.

at the jeon cooperation 

 in half an hour jungkook reached the company.his driver opened the door for him. as jungkook  come out the car he fixed his suit. soon he was greeted by some of his staff at the entrance of the company. they all bowed at him and greeted him in order to pay their respect to the younger CEO in front of them.

"good afternoon sir."all greeted in unison.

jungkook gladly replied with a small smile on his face." good afternoon everyone."

he was surrounded by his bodyguards to protect him as per the bambam's request as he was afraid to let the younger to come at the company alone. soon his secretary also arrived she greeted the younger.  " good afternoon sir. Sir all the work is done as per your request. also all the head of department and the main staff from all the sectors are waiting for you in the meeting room. please proceed their sir."

jungkook nodded his head and replied with a smile." good afternoon Ms.Anna thank you for all your efforts."

"it's my pleasure sir please move this way."

"sure let's go!"

with that he entered the company. on the way to the meeting room all the employee bowed at him and pay off their respect to the CEO. which is gladly accept and respond with a sweet smile.when he reached at the room , he entered and soon greeted by all the other staffs that were waiting for him early . on seeing jungkook all stand up from their respective sits and bowed at him with a sweet greeting.

"good afternoon sir." all said in unison

" good afternoon everyone. thankyou for coming here by putting your other work aside and spending your precious time." jungkook replied.

" that's not a problem sir. we are always at your service. you just have to order us." one of them replied.

" your order is our command sir!" another explain.

" well i am glad to know. now please take your respective seats and let's proceed the meeting. " jungkook announced.

" okay everyone.  may i have your attention here, please?" jungkook asked.all  the staff turned to jungkook.

" ladies and gentlemen you all know  that we are here for the meeting today for the project that is a precious chance for us and our company. so before proceeding i would like you to inform that this project is really important for us to maintain our position us top ranked #2 company in the world . it is a vulnerable for all of us. so today for same discussion we would have same guests here so i hope you will cope up with me. for tge further information please go through the presentation and please let me know your suggestions and opinions regarding this. " jungkook explained to all the staff present there.

after 45 mins Ms. Anna received a phone call for which she excused herself and returned after 2 mins.

she whispered to jungkook in order not to disturb the concentration and the meeting of the employees.

" sir all the guests are expected to arrive here in 15 mins. Mr. bambam has requested you to welcome them as he has informed right now." anna said.

" okay , thank you Ms.Anna for tge information.  first let me discontinue the meeting here for half an hour." jungkook replied.

she nodded her head and suggested, " okay sir till then i will organize your cabin for the guests."

jungkook nodded his head and turned to the employees.

" attention here please! i am sorry everyone for disturbing your concentration and meeting but the guests will arrive here soon as per my explanation before. so i am going to welcome them and then later on we will discuss it with them .till that time you all are provided by half an hour break please read our the guidelines and the provided content of the project and pile up all your suggestions ,opinions and recommendations. i hope you all will do your best here. Am i clear to you all?"

all nodded their head and replied in unison." yes sir ."

with that jungkook dismiss the meeting and went to the entrance of the meeting for the arrival of guests..........

here is an update
it is an apology chapter for two reasons
1.) last week i updated a small chapter
2.) i promised two person to update two chapter
and this update was supposed to be yesterday but due to sone issue it wasn't publish

i am really sorry
but today's update will be published till the end of the day

till that time



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