CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO royalty returns ✔️

Start from the beginning

Meri smirks as her brothers and dad throw $25 into the jar. Meri looks at the council woman, "I have a feeling this is going to be an expensive night. Can we just keep track and write a check at the end of the night?"

Councilwoman Marcia agrees. Then Meri says, "does anyone have any questions about my stepping down with pack permission and Elder Alpha Bartholomew taking over and being Bryant's lead guardian?"

No one spoke up. Then Councilwoman Marcia banged her gavel, "I call for a vote, all who approve Meri's motion say yes."

Many voices rang out, "yes"

"Anyone opposes her motion?" No one replies, "motion carries. Now that you have an idea how I will carry out this meeting are their any questions before we carry on?"

Meri says, "can we carry a motion that says no gavels because that banging is loud."

Several voices said, "we agree."

Councilwoman says, "overturned. I will agree to bang less if there is no more contempt charges or arguments. You will decide how often it gets banged. There are many moans.

Elder Ezra speaks up, "Instead of going through each child individually I propose we list them all together. Only vote individually based on opposition to that child." He looks at Marcia and says, "does anyone have any questions about my proposal." Thankfully no one disagrees and all guardianships are approved. Then Delta Sarah's wolf showed up in her wolf form- Hidden Ginger to issue the children out. "Elsa and Elly called out to her, "what is your name?

Sarah whines and Bartholomew says, "I am here and no one will hurt you." He then turns toward the girls and says, "please do not yell or order her around. She was abused for many years."

They reply, "we are sorry Barthy." They look at her and says, "you smell like our mom. She smelled like rain water in a grassy meadow. We wondered if you were one of our older siblings they hid or if you were one kidnapped." Elsa pulls off her necklace. She pushes a button and a thumb drive opens up. She hands it to Garrett. Elly pulls her necklace off and does the same thing.

"If we touch her it will activate her element. Which is why we asked her name. We know she is an elemental and smells like mom. We wanted to know her wolf name."

Meri walks up to her and ask, "can I tell them your name." She nods. "Her human name is Sarah and her wolf name is Hidden Ginger."

There faces fall, "so she is not a lily."

Barth smiles at them, you are looking for wolves with Lily's in their name?"

"Yes, after our oldest 2 sets of twin siblings were killed, mom and dad had a few more sets of twins and triplets, but dad would sneak them to various orphanages. He kept track of them on these thumb drives. Mom had a dream We were going to be her last pups. She was so upset that dad made a secret room off theirs. We were never allowed out together. Then my two uncles met their mates and each had a set of twins. They were also hidden in the room with us. One night salt and pepper got sick. They almost died. We found out that they food had been poisoned. My uncle called for a doctor and after that our secret was out.

Then a couple weeks later we were attacked. Mom told us to do the hidden river trick and hide my cousins and us. It was then we met Garrett and Jarrett. We were told not to share these disk until we were in front of the royalty nanny. We thought Hidden Ginger was one of our sisters, but she is not a lily. She is however an elemental. She is a nanny to the royal babies."

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