Chapter 36: His Origins

Start from the beginning

The woman giggled at my shyness, "Hm, how he was like...let's see..." she was silent for a few moments as she looked out the window and thought.

I sipped my piping hot tea for lack of anything better to do but was surprised when she spoke again, "Did you see that elementary school around the corner a few blocks away?" she asked.

I thought for a second. Now that I thought about it, there was an elementary school on my way here.

I nodded, "Yes..".

She smiled as a fond memory returned to her, "Sasuke used to attend that school as a child and he didn't live very far from here then".

I blinked in surprise. I hadn't recalled his home being anywhere near this neighbourhood.

"Of course" she said, noticing my confusion, "He moved away after his parents died in a car crash when he was in middle school. His brother, Itachi, decided that it'd be best for him if they relocated and they bought another house closer to the university he's studying at".

I frowned, "I see".

She sighed and shook her head, "It was quite a shame. His parents were some of the nicest folks I've ever met. In fact, without them, my husband and I never would've had the financial requirements to buy this store and start a business" she said with a sad smile.

"Is that why it has 'Uchiha' in its name?" I asked tentatively.

She nodded solemnly, "I remember, everyday after school, Sasuke and his friends, Gaara and Hana would come to the store and order one senbei for each one of them".

I jolted at the mention of Hana's name but continued to listen to her story.

She chuckled, "Those days, business was good. Having those three being the cute little devils they were really had the customers going".

I let a small smile alight on my lips as I imagined Sasuke and Gaara as two little boys, chasing each other around in the store.

She appraised my peaceful, smiling face and seemed to be curious herself, "And, if I may ask, why are you so interested in Sasuke's childhood, my dear?" she asked as she sipped her tea.

I looked down and fidgeted with the end of my sleeves, thinking, "Well...I's just that...we'" I looked up into her eyes, " a relationship" I finished, a blush on my face.

She laughed, loud enough to make the other customers turn their heads and I had to lower my head in embarrassment.

"I see, so that's why" she smiled gently at me, "Well, you look like a sweet girl. I'm glad our little Sasuke has found someone like you" she patted my hand that I had resting on the table.

A pang of guilt poked at my heart as she said this, I'm really not that sweet..., I wanted to say, but that was obviously out of the question.

"U-uh, well...w-what did h-he do as a" I asked, trying desperately to change the subject.

Fortunately, it worked.

"Hm..." she tapped her chin, trying to remember the specifics that she knew I wanted to know, "Well, he used to be quite the little ball of energy..." she started ponderously.

It must've been the slight raise of my eyebrows to her remark that alerted her to my dubiety.

She chuckled, "Yes...he has changed quite a lot, hasn't he?" she said with a sad smile.

I sipped my tea as she did, thinking about the possibility of Sasuke being the little boy the shopkeeper was currently talking about.

"He used to play hide and seek with Gaara and Hana all the time. Before long, most of the customers had fallen in love with the trio of troublemakers" she chuckled, almost to herself, "And don't I remember all the times I've had to clean up after the little tornado".

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