Chapter 41 (We are going to be parents)

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Priya's POV.....

Today was such a hectic day. Vijay and I had an argument yesterday because he wanted to appoint a few more workers to look after our house, but I'm not at all interested in that. Already we have an old lady who helps us with cooking and sometimes cleaning. And another person who helps me with outdoor work. Then what's the need for more helpers? I'm mostly at home and therefore I can do a lot of work here. Arghhh!!! Vijay doesn't understand !!

And due to this reason, he didn't talk to me all night and didn't inform me that he was leaving in the morning. Sometimes Vijay can stop talking to people for silly reasons. I know he is saying it only because he doesn't want me to over work myself but I'd like it the way it's going now.

Anyways, I'm going to my boutique today as I had a few things which needed my attention there. As I was driving my car to the boutique I was feeling nauseous throughout the journey. However that tendency soon died when I reached the boutique. Hmmph, probably because of motion sickness. A few minutes later, when I was checking out a lehenga, which was made by the designer for a client, I suddenly fainted all of a sudden.

The employees were frightened when I fainted therefore they rushed me to the nearby hospital. After doing some tests to know why I fainted, they told me to wait in the waiting room. Then after some time, the doctor called me in and said ''Did your husband come with you?''

''No doctor'' I replied ''Is their any problem?''

''No there isn't any major problem Priya''

I looked at the doctor with a confused expression, seeing my expression the doctor said ''Congratulations Priya, you are going to be a mother. You are 4 weeks pregnant''.

I just couldn't believe what I heard. Tears started forming in my eyes...

God has listened to my prayers for a child.

I was feeling really emotional but so happy at the same time.

''There's nothing in particular we need to do now. I have referred you to one of the best gynaecologists in this hospital. And in a few days time you will have your first appointment with them''.

''Thank you so much doctor'' I was so overwhelmed that I didn't know
what to say other than Thank you.
''You're welcome Priya. Please do take care of your health and for now I will prescribe you some vitamin tablets''.

Then after leaving the hospital I was all excited to inform this news to Vijay and our family. But I decided to wait till Vijay comes back from work. So I can tell him this news by giving him a surprise and telling the rest of our families together.

After buying everything for the little surprise I've planned in my mind, I went home with a happy heart.

Authors POV

Around 5 in the evening Vijay came back from work with a bunch of roses to make up for his little fight with Priya.

When Vijay came in, Priya was in the kitchen preparing Biryani. The staff had already left, so there were only two of them in the house. Priya had noticed Vijay coming in, but she decided to just ignore him for now. Seeing Priya not paying attention to him, he got slightly irritated. He placed the roses on the counter top.

He then went and stood behind her and placed one of his hands on her shoulder and another on her bare stomach pushing her saree to the side. Priya gently slapped Vijay's hand, indicating him to stop. She was pretending to be annoyed at him because of the small fight they had yesterday. However, Vijay didn't stop, he picked her up and made her sit on the counter top of the kitchen and then Vijay started working on her stomach and then his hands went further up ...

Priya wanted to stop him but she was enjoying this too.

Sometime later, After they finished what they started, Vijay handed the roses to Priya and said ''I Love you baby. Sorry for what happened yesterday!!''

''No no, it wasn't only just your fault. It was my fault too. I'm sorry too'' Priya said.

Vijay just smiled hearing Priya and kissed her forehead. Priya then asked Vijay to go and get fresh. Vijay nodded and then went to get freshen up. When he got to their bedroom, he noticed a box on their bed and a little note on top of it which asked him to open it.

When Vijay opened it, he saw a tiny baby suit which said 'I love you daddy'. Vijay couldn't believe what he had just read then he opened another note which was attached to the baby suit. It said ....

"Vijay, I am so happy today. Do you know why? Because I'm carrying a divine part of you in my womb.

Yes Vijay, I am expecting our symbol of love ... our first child".

After reading the note, tears formed in Vijay's eyes. He couldn't believe it, it took him a while to process the news. Even though they were trying for a child, he didn't think it was going to happen this soon. Priya was watching all this standing near the door. She was even recording this precious moment.

After a few seconds, Priya walked up to Vijay and touched his shoulders. Vijay turned around and cupped Priya's face. They both had tears forming in their eyes. "So we are finally going to be parents right?'' Vijay asked.

''Yes, we are Vijay. I'm four weeks pregnant'' Priya replied and then placed her head on Vijay's chest as he caressed her hair. ''I've never been this happy in my life baby. I will cherish this moment forever. I don't have words to express my feelings!'' Vijay said and then touched her belly and then said ''Thank you Priya, for being the mother of my child''.

''Vijay, you are the world to me, being the mother of your child is my greatest honour. I love you'' Priya said hugging Vijay tightly .

''Love you too darling'' Vijay replied.

Later that day, they informed the happy news to Vijay's parents and Priya's parents. Both their parents were so happy to hear the news. Especially Vijay's mother. It was her greatest dream to see Vijay living happily with his wife and children.

After informing their parents the happy news, Vijay and Priya's parents arranged a small party for them. They both were so glad to share their joy and happiness with all their family who were their greatest support and strength. 

Hope you have enjoyed this chapter guys !!!! Please let me know what you guys think of this chapter.

If you guys liked it please do vote and comment. It will encourage me a lot to continue writing.

Finally Vijay and Priya are going to expect their first child !!!

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