Chapter 19

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Priya's POV......

After Vijay's employee told me about Vijay fainting, I rushed to the city hospital. The receptionist directed me to the room where Vijay was getting treated. I was shocked at what I saw. Vijay's employee told me that he just fainted but actually his right arm was injured. He also had a small plaster on his head. I ran up to him and asked him what happened. As I was asking that, the doctor walked in and told me that, "Ma'am, Vijay's body is really weak, mainly because of how he isn't eating food well and due to his lack of sleep. Nothing to worry about but be careful in the future. Fainting while driving or walking down stairs are dangerous. Him being too tired and careless caused this accident when he was leaving his office". Doctor then gave me a few medicines which Vijay had to eat for 2 weeks. Then the doctor looked at Vijay and asked him not to go to work these two weeks.

When the doctor left I looked at Vijay and all the pent up frustration came out, ''what the hell Vijay? Why haven't you been eating properly? Why are you so careless? Why are you avoiding me and ignoring me? Ignoring me is fine, but leaving food and sleep? Vijay, what benefit will you get from doing this?''. After I bursted out, I broke down. I didn't realise I was crying until Vijay came up to me and touched my shoulder. I looked at him when he touched me and then he said, ''sorry Priya, I got a bit too carried away with work and.....", he said something But I couldn't hear it well. When he said that, I wrapped around his torso and cried. After some time I realised what I was doing and stopped it and apologised to him. After wiping my tears, I told him I'll go and get food.

After buying some Idli and chutney, I came to the room. When I served some into his plate, I realised that he can't eat because his right hand is injured. So I told I'll feed him, he refused at first but I didn't listen and started feeding him. Vijay was frustrated with what I did, but I wasn't bothered at all. All that matters to me is his health. From now on, I will make sure he has food at the correct time.

That night I decided to spend the night at the hospital. There wasn't a bed so I decided to just sleep on the chair. It was uncomfortable but, oh well. Next morning when I woke up I saw a blanket placed on me. I can't remember taking a blanket yesterday, err that's strange I thought. My back aches really bad because of sleeping on the chair but I kept the pain to myself. Vijay was already awake, he was looking out of the window. Some hours later the doctor discharged Vijay. Vijay called a taxi and we both went home. Vijay was acting more friendly during this time.

When we reached home, Vijay went to his room and I went to have a shower. After showering, I prepared some food. Vijay asked me for a spoon because he didn't want me feeding him. Even though I was kinda hurt when he asked for a spoon, I went and got him one. I didn't want to pressure him in any way. As I was leaving the room, Vijay asked me not to tell this to any of our family, as he didn't want to worry any of them. I agreed to it and left the room. Few hours later when I came to check up on him I saw him sleeping. He has clutched something in his hand. When I looked at it, it was his and Sakshi's wedding picture. They looked really cute and happy in that picture. Why didn't God allow them to live together? I don't understand what games he likes to play with life. Thinking that I left the room.

There was a library opposite our apartment. I decided to go there. I had nothing to do, so I wrote a note to Vijay, So he would know where I was and went to the library. After collecting some books and novels I returned. They had good collections. When I came back from the library, I saw Vijay watching the TV. Wow!!! 'That's a change', I thought. Because he's always in his room either working or just sitting, just to avoid me. He smiled at me when he saw me coming in and asked if I borrowed any books. I showed him the novels and books I borrowed and he told me he has read all of it and started having a conversation about it with me. After a long time we finished debating about it. I actually enjoyed our conversation. I felt refreshed talking to someone like this after a long while. Vijay has a lot of knowledge on various things. He is really clever and smart. Sakshi was really lucky to be Vijay's Love.

really sorry guys for the short chapter, will make the next chapter more interesting and longer. Thanks to everyone who has been voting and commenting on my chapters, it means a lot. Will try to update the next chapter soon :) also guys if you have any suggestions for the cast please feel free to comment it below.
Thank you x

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