Chapter 6 (Vijay's story )

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Vijays Point of View -

So today was Vikram and Anjali's marriage. They both are cute and made for each other. Vikram and Anjali's marriage was an arranged marriage, but they fell in love instantly and have a strong connection between them. I'm so happy for them. I, too, had a love story, with Sakshi, my one and only love....


We first met in college. I don't know what happened but something clicked inside me and I fell for her. When I first told Sakshi about my feelings, she laughed at me and rejected me. But after continuously pestering her, she fell for me. We were in a relationship for 7 years. However, one day when discussions were going on for Vikram's and Anjali's marriage, my parents started talking about my marriage as well. That's when I decided to tell my family about Sakshi. Mom was cool with it, but dad threw a fit and told me to forget her as my marriage was already fixed when I was young. We got into a huge argument and I asked him how the hell my marriage is fixed with a girl that I don't even know or seen. He told me that the girl is his friend's daughter and if I don't agree to marry her, then dad's relationship with his friend will be wrecked. I was seething with anger that day. I don't even know who Prakash and his daughter is. I don't want to sacrifice my life for my dad's friendship. I love Sakshi and If I ever get married to someone, then it should be with Sakshi only.

I told Sakshi about my family's response. She was devastated. She told me that she couldn't imagine her life without me. Sakshi had no family, her parents died when she was young. Sakshi was living with her distant relatives who didn't really bother about her. I was ready to leave my family behind for Sakshi, so the same day I told Adi everything. He supported me and told me that he'll be with me no matter what. So with the support of Adi, Vikram and Anjali (Adi told about this to Vikram and Anjali as well) I asked Sakshi's hand in marriage. I told her my parents will never accept us. She was sad at first but after a lot of convincing from us she accepted. The next day Vikram, Adi, Anjali and I brought Sakshi to the temple and we got married. I still remember the day I tied thali (Nuptial Chain) on Sakshi and how we exchanged garlands. How I applied sindoor on her forehead.... It was beautiful. Even though the marriage was very simple, the way we followed all the procedures and rituals were just beautiful. I still remember how beautiful Sakshi looked that day. She looked stunning in her wedding saree with minimal jewelry and jasmine flowers pinned to her hair. But that happiness did not last long.

I knew my dad would never accept me back home because of this marriage with Sakshi. After our wedding Sakshi and I decided to visit my parents and seek their blessings even if they don't accept us. But to my surprise both my parents blessed us. Even though dad had a go at us first and was hesitant to bless us in the beginning, he eventually gave in. He couldn't just ignore Sakshi's charm. After some rituals, we entered inside our home. Mom showed Sakshi around the house, even dad joined them. While having dinner that day, dad told us how we need to do a reception after Vikram's marriage and all. He joked about how he hoped Vikram wouldn't marry secretly like I did. Adi laughed at what dad said. Vikram got annoyed. The memories are still fresh in my mind. My dad was a bit sad though, when he thought about Prakash uncle and how he always wanted his daughter to be my wife.

Two days after our marriage, I decided to give Sakshi a treat and took her outside for dinner. It was so romantic. I still remember how happy she was that day. On our journey back home, I had to stop the car due to the terrible rain. I didn't think it was that wise to drive the car in such a bad condition as the roads were slippery and I couldn't see the road well. So I stopped the car at the side of the road, waiting for the rain to subside a bit. As we were waiting, Sakshi saw her childhood friend near an ice cream shop opposite the road where we were standing. She wanted to go and meet her friend. I told Sakshi to wait until the rain reduces so we can go together but Sakshi was really stubborn like always and decided to meet her friend. Sakshi's excuse was that she was bored sitting in the car. As I hated to see her upset, I told her to go but very carefully with the umbrella. I told Sakshi that I will come with her but without letting me complete she got out of the car giving me a quick kiss. If only I knew that would be the last kiss I'll get from her, I wouldn't have let her go. Promising me that she will be quick and will bring ice cream for both of us while returning, she got out of the car. It was still raining heavily.

I could see her chatting with her friend and preparing to come back. I gestured to her to stop because the road suddenly turned busy, but she didn't pay much attention to me as she was focusing on her ice cream. She crossed the road without looking. Out of nowhere, a car came so fast and hit her while I was standing beside my car doing nothing. My Sakshi was now soaked in blood, I still couldn't believe what was happening. I was numb. Mustering up all my strength I ran up to her lifted her up. I could see her Ice cream shattered onto the road. I rushed my Sakshi to the hospital and without breaking down informed my family about the incident. My shirt was soaked in blood and it was soaking wet as well. Somewhere In my heart I had a hope that Sakshi would survive. The doctor came out and said Sakshi will need an emergency operation and made me sign this paper. I was bawling my eyes out and my family tried to comfort me, but it didn't help 1 %. Whilst her operation took place, I went to the nearest temple, prayed and cried my heart out. After the operation, the doctor came out and told me that the operation was unsuccessful and they were unable to help Sakshi. To conclude the doctor told me to go and see Sakshi as she only has a few more hours left, along with me my family came in as well, my family started loving Sakshi as their daughter especially my mum. My mom couldn't stop crying. I quickly went to Sakshi and kissed her and held her hand. I also said sorry to her because of how I allowed her to go alone. Even though her words were breaking, she told me to stop crying and forget her. She also told me to accept a new love into my life and live happily instead of being upset for the rest of my life because of her death. I replied ''How can I forget you Sakshi''? A final tear streamed down her face and she closed her eyes....

After Sakshi's death I was devastated. I would not leave my room, I clutched our wedding picture and cried. I didn't like anyone coming near me, not even my mom. After living like that for 3 months, my mom and dad came into my room one day and spoke to me casually. At first I refused to speak to them, but as they were talking to me, I fell into my mom's lap and cried like a baby. She allowed me to cry my heart out. After I calmed down, she gave some motivational talk. I was on the verge of depression, but my mother and father helped me out of it and motivated me to get back to work. I knew Sakshi was the only girl I'd ever love and there would be no other girl in my life. With that thought in mind, I decided to get back to work and start a charity called Sakshi Foundation, which helped young girls. The foundation was also a home for many young children who had no family. After Sakshi's death, my life consisted of work and the foundation. Every evening, after work I'd go there and spend time with children. It was the only thing that helped me to stop thinking about Sakshi all the time.

This chapter is inspired from the Tamil movie Raja Rani.

Hey guys, so this is Vijay, he is broken beyond repair, lets see how Priyanka's entry into Vijays life will change him. Guys please do vote and comment if you find this story interesting because it really motivates. Also guys I haven't decided of any other cast, but I have decided Sakshi to be Keerthy Suresh and I've attached a picture of how she looked on her wedding day with Vijay.

Thank you

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