Epilogue - chapter 44

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Finally the epilogue is here !!!!

6 years Later......

It was a chilly and rainy day today. Priya woke up early in the morning and after showering, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. It was a weekday today, meaning she has to wake the kids up now. Otherwise they won't wake up and will be late for school. When she went up to her room, the view in front of her melted her heart. Vijay was in the middle with Sakshi in his right side and Shraddha and Anu in his left side. Sakshi was 6 years old now, Shraddha and Anu are twins who were born 2 years after Sakshi. They're only 4 years old.

Priya's POV

''Sakshi, wake up !!! You'll be late for school dear!!'' After a long time attempting to wake Sakshi up, she finally woke up. Then again after a long time trying to wake Anu and Shraddha up, they finally woke up too. Vijay was watching me trying to wake the children amusingly. I got so annoyed watching him, so I threw a pillow at him and said ''what do I need to do to wake the Big Baby up? Get up now''. ''Priya I'm not going to work today, so why's the rush?'' Vijay asked me.
Over the 6 years, Vijay's business has expanded a lot and he's become very successful.

''You need to drop the kids Vijay'' I said.
I am still learning to drive therefore I couldn't drop them.

''Why so angry early in the morning wifey? It's the last day of school for them. It doesn't even matter if they go to school or not today'' Vijay said sitting up.

''Vijay, you are the one who's spoiling the kids. They don't even listen to me anymore because of you. They know they can get away if you are around'' I said placing my hand on my forehead. After saying this I went to the bathroom to help Anu and Shraddha to brush their teeth.

As I was helping Anu and Shraddha to get ready, Sakshi ran up to me with a photograph. "Who is she Amma? I found it in Appa's drawer?'' and she gave me the photo to have a look. It was a picture of Sakshi. I didn't know how to react or what to reply. ''This is someone very special to Amma and Appa Sakshi. Her name is also Sakshi" I told her.
''Oh she's got my name too? She's really pretty Amma. Is she your friend?'' Sakshi asked me innocently.

Suddenly Vijay walked into the room after his shower, ''look Appa what I found. Amma said she's someone special'' Sakshi told him innocently.
Vijay's face fell after hearing what Sakshi had asked him innocently and said ''Yeah, she was a beautiful part of my life darling. Now go and get dressed ,otherwise you'll be late for school''.

Soon after the children left for school, I decided to ask Vijay something I've always wanted to ask him. ''Vijay?''

''Yes Priya?''

''Can I ask you something?'' I asked him.

''Of course you can Priya'' Vijay replied.

''Do you miss Sakshi ... I mean your ...''

''Why are you asking me this now?'' Vijay asked me.

''I've always wanted to ask you this'' I told him hesitantly.

''Come here'' Vijay said and gestured to me to come closer. After placing his arms across my shoulder he said ''Priya, I do admit that I miss Sakshi at times, especially during her death anniversary and whenever we visit the orphanage. But Priya I've acknowledged the fact that she has left me. And like you advised me 6 years ago, I've accepted the fact she's gone and now is in a much better place.

My world now revolves around you and our beautiful children. Actually Priya, you remember what's special about today?''

''Yes of course I do. How can I forget this day? Today marks 8 years since we've got married'' I replied.

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