Fuu: Ah! I just got an idea.

Shouichi: What is it? If you're going to say that her food is bad you're the one going to say it.

Fuu: Just the opposite. We're gonna finish the whole bowl.

Shouichi: WHAT???!!!! Are you for real?!

Fuu: Hear me out first. If we're going to eat it, she's definitely going to eat it too. Just one taste of the soup, she's going to definitely prevent us to eat it.

Shouichi: Ah, I see...... It's quite a risk, but it's better than nothing. 

Fuu: Of course it is!! Just depend on my girl's power!!!

Shouichi: All right, here goes nothing. (Shouichi said as he opened the door to the living room which was directly connected to the kitchen.)

Itsuki on sketchbook: Onii-chan, Onee-chan, dinner's ready.

Shouichi: A-all right we're heading there. 

Shouichi and Fuu then made their way towards the dinner table while enduring the bad smell of the udon.

Itsuki on sketchbook: Visually how does it look? Onee-chan?

Fuu: I-it sure looked delicious, Itsuki. hehehehe (Fuu laughs nervously)

Shouichi: Huh?! Itsuki aren't you going to eat? (Shouichi said as he realized that there are only two bowls on the table)

Itsuki on sketchbook: I just ate one bowl earlier to taste the soup.

Shouichi: Eh?! H-how did it taste? 

Itsuki on sketchbook: It tastes delicious just like how Onee-chan taught me to cook, but there was something not right so I decided to add a little bit of spice. Besides, there's only two serving of udon left. So I decided to give it to you guys.  

Shouichi was now glaring at Fuu.

Shouichi: Fuu.....

Fuu: What is it?! 

Shouichi: What were you saying about girls' power?

Fuu: I-i'm sorry...... Ah! Itsuki you must be tired from all that trip and the cooking so you gotta eat the udon that you just made.

Shouichi: Wha...!

Inner Shouichi: She's planning to save her own skin!!!!

Shouichi: No, no Itsuki you should just eat mine. My serving is bigger and there's more meat in it. You should be more full if you ate mine. (Shouichi said as he pushed the bowl forward)

Fuu: Just eat mine, Itsuki. If you ate that much you'll get fat at no time.

Shouichi: Itsuki's a growing girl. She's gonna eat all the nutrition she needs.

Fuu: No, no. Nutrition should be controlled. If not you'll get fat like you stupid brother over there.

Shouichi: Who are you calling fat?! You're the one who usually ate the most out of the three of us!!

Fuu: I'm dieting you know! To make the best of my girl power.

Shouichi: You're dieting?!!! Since when?! Yesterday, you've eaten sashimi more than anyone!!

Fuu: I've just begun dieting! Just now!!

Shouichi: Just now! Are you serious??!!

Shouichi and Fuu's continued bickering, until Itsuki finally snaps and pounds as hard as she could on the dinner table.


Fuu: I-itsuki???!!!

Itsuki on sketchbook: Please eat the food. (Itsuki said with a scary face)

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of Possibillitiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें