Idyllic Happiness IV

Start from the beginning

Karin: Y-you think so?

Shouichi: Yes, it's- 

Before Shouichi could finish talking another piece fly to his mouth.

Fuu: HERE! SHOUICHI! This one's delicious too.

Itsuki on sketchbook: Open your mouth, Onii-chan

Itsuki then pushed some food to Shouichi's mouth too.

Shouichi: Wai-?! (Not long after Togo and Yuuna was also joining in)

(After a while)

Shouichi was already laying down and covering his eyes using his hand to recover from the sheer number of food that just entered his mouth.

Shouichi: Whoa...... I'm full. 

Fuu: Me too...... I know I already say this now and again, but I sure wish that in the future I can afford to eat something like this every day. Maybe, I'll make a ton of money or marry some rich guy. (Fuu said as she looked Shouichi)

Itsuki on sketchbook: Not enough girl power for the latter.

Fuu: You think so? Can't you smell it emanating from me when I pose like this in my yukata? (Fuu said as she poses in her sexy pose) 

Yuuna: We've run out of food too. Itsuki-chan, what's next on the agenda?

Itsuki on sketchbook: We're all going to the bath!

Shouichi: You guys go first..... I'll rest here catch up later.

Fuu: Okay, but don't fall asleep here.

As the rest exited the room and went to the hot springs, Shouici immediately turns on his phone.

Inner Shouichi: I still can't get it off my mind.

Shouichi then typed in one number and pressed the call button.

Shouichi the sound of a phone ringing before a familiar voice picked the phone up.

Sonoko: Ah~~~ Hello, Shouichi-san~~~~~

Shouichi: Hello, Sonoko-chan. Sorry for calling so late.

Sonoko: Don't worry, Shouichi-san~~~~ I'm also felt bored~~~ 

Shouichi: Sorry, I couldn't be there recently.....

Sonoko: Don't worry, I've heard what happen. You've finished your duty right?

Shouichi: Yes, the Taisha even treated us to this nice vacation. I wish you could come to Sonoko-chan.

Sonoko: I see, the Taisha did.......

Shouichi: What's wrong Sonoko-chan?

Sonoko: Oh, nothing's wrong Shouichi-san~~~~~ So why did you called Shouichi-san?

Shouichi: Yeah right. I've got a question for you, Sonoko-chan. 

Sonoko: Yeah, what is it, Shouichi-san?~~~~

Shouichi: Do you know of a Minowa Tetsuya?

Sonoko: Eh?!........

Shouichi: Sonoko-chan?

Sonoko: ......

Shouichi: Sonoko-chan?! What's wrong, are you still there?!

Sonoko: Why..... Why do you remember that name? And why would you ask me about that? (Sonoko's voice turn from playful to serious)

Shouichi: To be honest with you, I felt like you were familiar to me. I felt like I've met you before and It seems that no matter I wanted it or not, I'll regain my memories.

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