Chapter 5

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Once we get home, Trevor helps me into the house, and helps me change.

As soon as I'm changed, I lay in bed and try to fall asleep.


When I wake up the next morning, I have a killer headache.

I force myself out of bed and go into my bathroom and find something to take for my headache. Once I take something, I head downstairs.

Dad's in the kitchen making breakfast when I walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning Rhy." He says looking up from the stove.

He's making pancakes.

"Morning dad." I say sitting down at the table.

He starts singing as he's cooking.

I love when my dad sings, but right now it's killing me.

"Dad, I love you and all, but could you please stop singing." I say to him as nicely as possible.

"Why? I thought you loved it when I sing."

"I do. But I have a really bad headache and singing isn't helping."

Trevor comes downstairs and sits down at the table across from me.

He looks down at his phone and a few seconds later, he looks up at me.

I look at him confused until my phone vibrates.

It's a text from him.

'How's the hangover?'

I glare up at him.

'Shut up. Why did you let me drink that much last night?'

He laughs quietly so dad can't hear him.

'That's all on you. I only saw you when we first got there and when I was pulling that jerk off you.'

'He's not a jerk.'

'Whatever you say. But don't say I didn't warn you when you get hurt.'

"Really guys? You two haven't even eaten breakfast and you're already on your phones texting." Dad says as he's putting pancakes on a plate and handing them to us.

"Who's on their phone already?" Mom asks as she walks in the kitchen from the back door.

She's holding a couple bags, so I'm assuming she got up early and did some running around before anyone got up.

"Trevor and Rhylee." Dad answers.

"Give them to me." Mom says holding out her hand.

"What, why?" Trevor asks.

"You two are grounded, remember? I should've taken them away last night."

I sigh.

"Fine." We both say as we hand her our phones.

I'm just hoping that she doesn't go through them. She doesn't usually go through our phones, but she does occasionally, like when one of us are grounded.

Trevor looks at me kinda worried, like he just thought of that too.

After breakfast, I go upstairs and shower and put on my swimsuit. It's suppose to be really hot outside today, so I'll be outside in the pool all day. Plus the quietness will help my headache.


**Natalie's POV**

Rhy's outside relaxing in the pool, Trevor's upstairs in his room doing something, probably playing catch with himself, and Ross is out with his brothers helping Rocky do something.

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