Chapter 36

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*please read the a/n at the end!*

Monday at school was weird without Jesse. During lunch, Caitlyn, Olivia, and I sat at our usual table. Lukas and his girlfriend Melanie, joined us a couple minutes later. Even thought Lukas wasn't able to go with us over the weekend, I can tell that he still misses him as just as much as the rest of us.

"How was the campus?" Lukas asks me trying not to directly start talking about Jesse.

"It was nice. I saw the arena where they play basketball, and the football stadium; they were amazing. I can't wait to go visit for a football game." I say smiling a little. "Jesse said that he's going to try to get a lot of tickets to his first football game so we can all go."

"Regardless if he can get us all tickets or not, I can't miss my best friend play in his first college football game." He says laughing a little.

The bell rings for next period and we all go our separate ways.

About halfway through the period, a student comes in the room with a pass for me to go see my guidance counselor.

I walk down the hall and knock on the door.

"Come on in Rhylee." Mrs. White, my guidance counselor yells.

I walk in and sit in the chair that's across from her desk.

"I have some really exciting news for you!" She tells me.

I look at her a little confused, then she hands me an envelope.

I open it up and the first paper I see is the logo of Juilliard.

'Dear Rhylee Lynch:

We want to congratulate you on your acceptance to Juilliard!'

I didn't have to read anything else, I stood up and hugged Mrs. White. I haven't told anyone but my mom and dad about wanting to go there. Mrs. White helped me fill out all the applications and prepared me for all the admissions tests I had to take to be able to qualify.

"Congratulations!" She tells me.

"I couldn't have gotten in without all your help. Thank you so much." I tell her.

I stay in her office and talk to her about life for the rest of the period.

When I walk to my next class, I look down at my acceptance letter. Even though music was never my main focus, I was always playing piano, or singing when I was with my family. It was something I really enjoy.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. When I get home, I place my acceptance letter on the kitchen table. I'm not going to tell anyone what it is, I'm just going to wait and see who finds it first.

I haven't told Jesse about it yet. I'm visiting him for his birthday, and I really want to tell him in person, so I'm going to wait. He's going to be happy for me, I don't think he'll care that I waited a little while to tell him. I don't even think he knows I applied there.

I hear the back door open and wait for whoever just walked in to look at my letter.

"Oh my gosh!" Mom yells.

"What?" I ask her like I don't know what's going on.

She walks into the living room holding the piece of paper.

"You got in! Congratulations!"

"Thanks mom."

"So who have you told?"  She asks me as she sits down on the couch.

"No one. Caitlyn and Olivia know I applied, but I didn't tell them that I got in."

"What about Jesse?"

"His parents invited me to go with them when they visit for his birthday, so I'm going to tell him then."

"He's going to be so proud of you." Mom says. "But New York's on the other side of the country; are you two going to stay together?"

"We're making it work right now, I don't see how we couldn't when I move."

"Living across the country is a lot different than living a couple hours away."

"I know. We'll figure it out when time comes."

Mom's right. What if we can't make it work? Jesse's been the only guy I've ever fallen for; I can't imagine my life without him.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


I don't understand how you guys don't hate me yet...I make you wait forever for a new chapter. I'm so sorry!!!

I moved two weeks ago and literally all my free time was going to unpacking the house, and we're still not done. I'm done with my part of helping for now, so I should be updating a little more frequently. (I hope.)

I have a question for you guys..

I've been getting a lot of messages from you guys lately about ideas you have for a new story. Once I finish this book, I'm taking a little break until I get myself situated a little. So how would you guys like it if I started an imagines book? I would try to keep it updated when I'm on my little break, and it would give you guys something to read while you wait for another book to be put up.

Please let me know what you think!!

Thanks for reading! :)

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