Chapter 25

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I'm pretty sure everyone at home has given up on me. I've been adducted for about 4 months total now. About two weeks ago in the middle of the night, Christian and Sabrina put me in the backseat of his car and started driving. He gave me some type of drug and I was unconscious for most of the trip and I have no idea where I am now, not that I knew where I was before.

Christian is gone most of the day, but Sabrina stays with me. We don't talk much, but she secretly brings me books, or a notepad, or something to do so I'm not sitting here doing nothing all the time.

"Sabrina, it's been 4 months. Am I ever going to get to go home?" I ask her.

"I really don't want to do this anymore either, Rhylee. I don't know what he has planned or anything, I'm just going along with it so he doesn't report me to the police." She says.

"But if I get found, you're going to be in major trouble anyways, so why not stop now."

"It's not that easy."

"But it can be. If you help me escape, I'll make sure my parents help you out. I'll tell them everything and if you're the one who gets me home, they'll forgive you for helping with this whole thing and help you. I promise."

"What if they don't? Then I end up in jail anyways."

"I won't let that happen if you help me. And it'll be Christians word against mine and yours. Who else knows about the drugs?"

"No one." She says.

"Exactly. If I get out and turn Christian in, no one's going to listen to what he has to say."

"You've got a point."

"So does this mean you're going to help me?" I ask.

She thinks for a minute.

"Yes, I'll help you. What's your plan?"

"What if you tell Christian that you have to go somewhere tonight, then when it get dark and he goes to sleep, you come get me, then we leave."

"You've been thinking about this for a while now, haven't you?"

"Just about everyday since I've been trapped here."

"I like it and it just might work." Sabrina says.

Christian barges in the room a few seconds later. Sabrina and I look at each other hoping that he didn't just hear our conversation.

"I had a really bad day and I need to take out my anger on someone." He says angrily. "Sabrina, leave. Now."

Sabrina leaves, but she winks at me, and mouths sorry before she closes the door.

I was preparing for him to rape me again, but what I got was a lot worse.

He grabbed me and stood me up, then punched me in the face with so much force I fell back onto the bed. He repeatedly beat me and I was bleeding a lot. He dragged me off the bed and onto the floor and started kicking me. He kicked me so hard I couldn't breathe.

This went on for another ten minutes before I blacked out.

Life as a LynchOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz