Chapter 3

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It's finally Friday.

I know it's only the first week of school and we haven't done much, but it needed to be the weekend already. I hate waking up early.

It's been three days since Trevor and I lied to mom and dad about the party and surprisingly they haven't found out yet.

There's an hour until the football game starts. Trevor's extremely nervous because he's starting, it's a big deal for him.

When we get to the stadium where the game is being played, we find seats.

I don't usually sit in the student section with Caitlyn because basically my whole family goes to support Trevor and Jase, so I sit with them.

We find an empty section and the group of us sit down.

Lacey comes and sits down next to me, and Rydel sits on the other side of me.

"Hey Rhylee!" Lacey says as she sits down and gives me a side hug.

"Hey Lacey! How are you?"

"I'm good! I'm excited to watch the game!" She says.

"Me too. Do you think they're going to win?"

"I know they're going to!"

The game starts and Lacey's telling me about her week at school and how 4th grade is going so far.

She gets quiet and watches the game.

When Jesse comes off the field, he takes off his helmet and runs his hands through his hair.

"He's really cute!" Lacey says.

"Which one?" I ask her.

"Him!" She answers pointing to Jesse.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. You two should date."

"She's not dating anyone till she's out of high school." Dad jokes.

He's sitting in front of the two of us, so he just heard that little conversation.

"Really Ross?" Mom says to him laughing a little.


There's a minute left in the game.

The score's 63-14, us. I'd say we won this game.

Since Caitlyn and Olivia are going with us to the party, the three of us met up by the concession stand before the game was over.

"I just have to go home and change first." I tell them.

"What you have on is fine." Caitlyn says.

"But Jesse's going to be there."

"I thought you weren't going to try with him anymore?" Olivia questions.

"Doesn't mean I can't try to get a reaction from him."

"Good point." Olivia and Caitlyn say.

Olivia turns around and then turns back right away.

"Um, who is that guy and why is he staring at us?" She asks nodding her head back a little.

I look behind her.

"Oh, that's Christian. He's kind of the 'bad boy' of the school. He sleeps around with girls, smokes, and occasionally does drugs. He's also a senior." Caitlyn says. "It's also rumored that he failed a grade in middle school, so he's a year older than everyone else."

"We basically try to avoid him since he's bad news." I add.

A few minutes later, Maddie and Trevor walk over to us.

"Good game." I say to Trevor as I give him a hug.

"Thanks. We should probably get home so we can get ready for the party." He says.

"You two aren't going anywhere." Dad says from behind me.

"Why not? You and mom said we could." I say.

"You guys lied to us. You said that Ali's parents were going to be there, but they're not."

I look at Trevor.

"How'd you find out?" He asks dad.

"We ran into Ali's parents as we were walking over here. They told us all about it."

"You two are grounded for the rest of the weekend." Mom says.

"What?!" I yell.

"You heard me. Neither of you are going to that party tonight and you're not leaving the house this weekend either."

"Mom, I know we lied, but the whole weekend?" Trevor complains.

"Yes. Now girls, I think you should leave, we're going home." Dad says to Maddie, Caitlyn, and Olivia.

"Sorry guys." The three of them say as they walk away.

"This is so unfair." I say.

"Well maybe you should've thought of that before you lied." Dad says.

Trevor and I start walking to the car.

"We're still going to that party." I say quietly so mom and dad can't hear me.

"I was hoping you were going to say that."


Hope you liked!!

The picture is suppose to be Christian; I know he might look a little older than just a senior in high school, but pretend that he looks like a senior. That's also why I added the part about him possibly failing a grade to make it a little more realistic.

I know I don't update this story as much as I should, and that's because I don't have a lot of it written yet. I try to make the chapters long so it's not a lot of short, little chapters.

Let me know what you think's going to happen at the party! ;)

Thanks for reading!! :)

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