Chapter 24

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*Everything from here on out is in Rhylee's POV again*

It's been three months. I've been locked in this room for three months. I'm missing out on so much stuff; school, basketball games, my friends, Jesse, and my family. I miss everyone so much and I just wish they'd let me go. I don't even know what I did to deserve this, every time I've asked them, they've hit me. I probably don't even look like myself anymore with all the cuts and bruises I have.

Even though I've been locked in a room, I guess it could be a little worse. The room has a small, old bed, a metal chair, and a little bathroom area; and by little bathroom area, I mean a barely usable toilet, and a gross, falling apart shower that doesn't even get that hot. There's no windows, and I think I'm in a room in a basement of a house; but I wouldn't know, because I've been locked in this room, for three months.

I'm sitting on the bed basically doing nothing because there isn't anything to do. The door opens and they come in.

"I see you're still doing nothing."

"Well what else is there for me to do? There's nothing in here." I say.

"Use your imagination, do something."

"And what exactly would you like me to do, Christian?"

He smirks and walks closer to me.

"I can think of something." He says as he pushes me down on the bed and gets on top of me, kissing my cheek and neck.

About an hour or so later, the door opens again.

"Geez Christian, you've basically slept with her everyday this week, aren't you tired of that yet?" Sabrina asks him as she walks in the room.

Now normally, this situation would be extremely awkward, but since she's on this whole kidnapping thing too, and it's not the first time she's walked in on this, I've sadly gotten used to it.

Christian finishes up and throws my clothes on me as he redresses himself.

The first couple times this happened, I fought him and it just made everything worse. So now I just lay there and let it happen, what's the point in fighting it if it's not going to help anything?

"I brought you some food." Sabrina says throwing a bag of food on the bed.

I open the bag and look inside. There's not much, but it's enough to keep me from going hungry. Usually I only get food once a day, and it's not much when I do get to eat.

"I'm leaving, but I'll be back in an hour to finish what was going on earlier." Christian tells me as he leaves the room.

Sabrina sits down in the chair and watches me eat. Even though she's in on all this, she's still nicer than Christian and is someone to talk to when she is here.

"It's been three months, I think I deserve to know why you guys kidnapped me." I tell her.

"You're right. You do have a right to know, and Christian doesn't want you to know, but I'm not Christian." She says.

"So does this mean you're going to tell me?"

"Yes. Christian wants you all to himself. He got mad that you broke up with him and that you moved on so fast. He's really selfish when it comes to girls he's dated."

"That's seriously why he's keeping me here?"

"Basically. There might be other reasons, but that's what he told me."

"But wait, why are you here helping him?" I ask her.

"Because he caught dealing drugs a couple months ago and he said that if I didn't help him, he was going to tell the police."

"So he's been planning this for a while then?"

"Yep. He's been watching you everywhere you've been, just waiting for the perfect time."

"He's still going to school and stuff, right?"

"Of course. That would look suspicious if he stopped going to school as soon as you were abducted." Sabrina says. "He plans on moving you soon in case people start searching the area for you."

"This is insane. He's going to get caught eventually."

"I keep telling him that, but he won't listen."

I finish eating and she takes my garbage.

The door opens a few minutes later and Christian walks in.

"Okay Sabrina, get out. I want to be alone with Rhylee." He says.

Sabrina looks at me apologetically before she leaves the room.

"Be prepared, I'm not going easy on you this time." Christian tells me as he gets on top of me.

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