Chapter 6: Beginning Part 1

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Before morning called itself and their sun into the azure sky of Caiyi Town, the Jin sect was already awake and preparing for departure from the tavern. Zhuqin had met with Jiang Cheng and exchanged a few words before leaving with Jin Zixuan to Cloud Recesses. As for Wei Wuxian? That young lad was not awake yet. Until Wei Wuxian woke up, Jiang Cheng could only wait.

For the Lanling Jin sect, it did not take them long to arrive upon Cloud Recesses's main entrance. While some were amazed by how refreshing the stream was or how beautiful the nature scenery was, others were murmuring about the written regulations on what the Gusu Lan sect called, the 'Wall of Discipline.'

"Alcohal is not allowed?"

"Venturing out at night is prohibited? What kind of rule is that?" "We can't eat more than three bowls per day? Are you serious?"

"Do not wake up after five in the morning? What if we wake up after 5? What do they think we are then?" "Yeah, that can't be right."

"Do not bully the weak?" "Ha, the weak is weak for a reason. I don't see why we can just let the weak ones slide by."

Zhuqin loudly read and looked at the Jin cultivators with a grin, "Maintain your own discipline, be careful of your own words and stay away from bad men. Sounds about right...right?"

Once they saw Zhuqin's smile, the Jin cultivators immediately stopped talking and frantically nodded their heads. They quietly exchanged glances as she walked up to the Wall of Discipline.

"Well~ they have what we should have...I am quite jealous," Zhuqin laughed and walked up the steps just as Jin Zixuan followed from behind.

"It's YOUR fault," "Mine? If only you said it quieter." "Aiya, but what kind of rules are these?"

"These are rules that you will have to follow if young miss decides to get something similar to this in Jin Lin Tai."

"What? No way..." The cultivators uttered together.

Upon walking further up the steps, they were properly greeted by five Gusu Lan men. Lan Xichen was standing in the center with a tender smile.

As he bowed his head in respect, Lan Xichen greeted, "Jin gongzi, Jin guniang..."

Zhuqin cleared her throat and looked behind her to make sure her fellow Jin cultivators were on their best behavior. Followed by Jin Zixuan and Zhuqin, the Jin clan paid their respect back to the young lad and walked into Cloud Recesses after showing proof of their pass invitation. As they were greeted by Lan Qiren and Lan Qingheng, Lan Xichen showed the Jin cultivators to their rooms.

Zhuqin placed her left hand over her right and raised them at chest level.

She cheerfully smiled and greeted, "Jiujiu (Uncle)!"

Jin Zixuan held pride as being part of the Jin clan. Even he did not want to look the two elders in the eye. Zhuqin elbowed her brother and had him properly greet them with direct eye contact.

Lan Qingheng gently placed his hand on Zhuqin's head, "Child, you have really grown."

She happily smiled to the thought that she was finally able to meet her uncle's in such a long time.

"She has really grown into such a beautiful and fine young woman. I am sure there were many clans asking for her hand in marriage," Lan Qiren added and combed his goatee chin beard.

Jin Zixuan immediately responded, "Our Lanling Jin sect has kept her safe in Jin Lin Tai. I doubt there will be any men from other clans to ask for her hand in marriage anytime soon,"

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