Side Story 1: Qi (Chess)

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The Jin mistress took a moment for herself. With her arms crossed, she turned around.

"Gen wo lai (Follow me)," Qin Baoqi confidently ordered.

Jin Guangshan stuttered, "Uh...t-to where?"

The Jin mistress turned back, "To Shengkai Hall where else?"

"Uhm...o-oh yes," The Jin leader mumbled.

Qin Baoqi nudged her head and motioned for Jin Guangshan to walk ahead of her. They went into Shengkai Hall and as the Jin mistress sat down, the Jin leader chose to sit a seat away from her.

She laughed, "Zenme le (What is wrong)? Ni pa wo yao ren ma (Afraid that I will bite)?"

"Uhm n-no that is not it..."

The Jin mistress stood and confidently scorned, "Oh is that so? Then what is it? Ni zai deng biren zuo zai ni pangbian ma (Are you waiting for someone else to sit next to you)?"

Jin Guangshan cleared his throat then nervously replied, "Someone else you say..."

Qin Baoqi walked to the vase of flowers in front of her and lightly grazed the petals.

Then with a grin she stated, "I've been so busy with family affairs that I couldn't even visit my family in Laoling. Other than my brother, I wonder how my elder sister-in-law is doing..."

Jin Guangshan did not bother to reply. Instead, he just quietly looked down into his laps.

The Jin mistress questioned, "Ni shuo ne (What do you think)? Wo daosao zenmeyang ne (How is my elder sister-in-law doing)?"

"Uh...well..." The Jin leader began. " would I know? I don't go even go to Laoling as much as you."

"Me?" Baoqi mocked.

She stopped caressing the flower petals and walked to her husband while pretending to fix her hairpin.

The Jin mistress confidently questioned, "Jiusuan ni bu qu, ni huanshi keyi rang ta lai zhao ni de, dui ma (Even if you do not go, you are still able to have her come to that right)?"

Hearing this, Jin Guangshan froze in place.

He was already suspecting that his wife knew there was just 'something' going on in between the Qin mistress and him. Well, not like the Qin mistress was the only woman he was seeing therefore he had nothing to hide or be afraid of.

Jin Guangshan was the leader of the Jin sect after all. He could see whomever he wanted anytime and anywhere...


For a quick moment he cleared his throat then began, "What do you mean I could have her come to Jin Lin Tai?"

"Oh come on," Qin Baoqi laughed. "You know what I mean."

The Jin leader could only answer with a few stutters than turned his head away from his wife's direction. She scoffed a few laughs then pulled out one of her hairpin. The mistress held the ornament in between her fingers, making sure to elegantly turn the hairpin around as if observing it.

Tilting her head once to the right then to the left she questioned, "Ba le (Forget it), how about we speak about something else?"

"S-something else you say," Jin Guangshan stuttered again and lightly scratched the side of his face.

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