Cologne (Jerrie)

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Hey everyone, guess you didn't have to wait too long for another one shot. I'm happy to have some inspiration, even if it turns out to be fleeting.

This one shot is loosely based off the song Cologne by Clean Bandit. I know that I've been writing a lot of angst lately, so here's a more cheerful and fun one shot. Happy reading!

The moon was high in the sky, a thin crescent shining vibrantly against the darkness. The night air was still, save for a quiet breeze whistling by. It was peaceful, quiet. It was the exact opposite of where Jade Thirlwall was right now.

The club that she was currently in was booming with loud music, so loud she was sure it could be heard for a couple blocks down. Her eyes scanned the crowded room, searching for the friend she came with. Jesy was, unfortunately, nowhere to be seen. Jade sighed, slumping back in her seat. This is the last place she'd choose to be. However, Jesy had begged her to come along to be the designated driver, and to keep an eye out for any trouble. So there she was, nursing a water in the back corner of Newcastle's busiest nightclub.

She checked her watch. It wasn't even midnight yet, and Jesy didn't usually tire until well past two. She groaned, resting her head in her hand. She'd much rather be at home reading a good book.

"Not having fun?"

Jade jumped as she looked up to see the source of the voice. Standing before her was a blonde woman with stunning blue eyes. Her glossy lips were pulled back in a playful smirk, showing off pearly white teeth.

"How could you guess?" Jade replied dryly, eyeing the stranger. She was gorgeous, with the perfect amount of makeup to accentuate her already attractive features. Her curvy body was clad in a red lacy top and tight black leather skirt, which made Jade feel very underdressed in her casual white shirt and black miniskirt. She was glad she'd decided to wear heels and apply some makeup.

The blonde chuckled, the sound setting butterflies loose in Jade's stomach. She couldn't remember the last time she felt like this so quickly after meeting someone. "Just had a hunch," she replied.

Jade cracked the first real smile since she'd arrived at the club. "Well, you guessed right," she said. "Congratulations."

The woman grinned triumphantly, the movement lighting up her whole face. "Do I get a prize?" She asked, stepping closer.

Jade arched an eyebrow, unable to resist the grin spreading on her face. "Well then, what do you want? A drink or something?"

"A dance with you," she answered, that sly smile making its way back to her lips.

Jade's eyes widened at her outstretched hand. "I ... I-I don't even know your name," she stammered, the blonde's answer making her brain short circuit.

"Perrie Edwards," she replied smoothly, grabbing Jade's hand and pulling her out of her seat. "And you are?"

"Jade," she said, her voice coming out off pitched and breathy, "Thirlwall."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman," Perrie said, looking Jade up and down. Her roaming eyes made Jade blush, the reaction drawing a smile from the her. She tugged Jade toward the dance floor, her feet moving to follow the enchanting woman.

They pushed through the hordes of people, settling on a spot near the middle of the crowd. Jade let out a small gasp as Perrie grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. "Just feel the music," she murmured in her ear. Jade could only nod as she started to move with her.

They settled fast, swaying their hips to the music. The loud bass pounding through the club mixed with the intoxicating smell Perrie's perfume had Jade's heart beating erratically in her chest the whole time they danced. Soon she forgot about why she was supposed to be here as everything besides Perrie faded from her mind.

"Having fun yet?" Perrie asked, her smirk returning to her face as she pulled Jade impossibly closer. Her blue eyes were sparkling like diamonds, and her cheeks had developed a rosy tint to them. Before she realized what was happening, Jade was leaning in and kissing her.

All of a sudden the feelings swirling around inside of her through the whole night exploded as her lips touched Perrie's. Her mind went on overdrive as Perrie kissed her back deeply, threading a hand through the hair at the back of her neck.

Eventually they pulled apart, both breathless and starry eyed. Jade licked her lips, fighting to get her breath under control. "That was ..." she couldn't finish her sentence before she got lost in Perrie's eyes again.

The blonde chuckled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind Jade's ear. "Agreed," she said, tilting her head as the song ended and another started. "I'm gonna head to the bar, care to join me?"

Jade opened her mouth to reply, but closed it as she spotted Jesy nearby, drunkenly dancing with a very handsy stranger. Although she seemed to be having fun, Jade could detect undertones of discomfort. "I think I'll stay here, mind getting me a water?" She asked. "Friend duties call."

Perrie followed her eyes and her gaze turned understanding. "I'll be right back," she said, leaving with a lingering touch on Jade's arm. She shook off the effect Perrie had on her and marched over to Jesy, switching back into protective mode.

"Jesy, I've been looking for you everywhere," she said, coming to stand in front of her friend.

"Jadeyyyy," Jesy slurred, lunging forward and wrapping her arms around the shorter woman. "I found you!"

"I'm here now," Jade answered, rubbing her friend's back and shooting a glare at the man now standing alone. He held his hands up and walked back into the crowd.

"Thank you for saving me," Jesy said, more serious now that the man was gone. "I was hoping you'd come over. I was scared to tell him no, I'm so drunk I can't defend myself."

Jade nodded sympathetically, pressing a kiss to Jesy's head. "I know, and I'm glad I found you," she said. "I got your back like always."

Jesy nodded, smiling as her eyelids dropped. "Sleepy," she mumbled, her drunken mind taking over again as she slumped against Jade.

"Alright, let's get you home yeah?" Jade said, wrapping an arm around her waist and guiding her to a nearby table. "Just sit here for a minute, okay? There's something I need to take care of."

Jesy just nodded, her head dropping onto the table. Jade let out a chuckle, heading back into the crowd to find Perrie.

She found her at the bar, tapping her fingers on the polished wood as she waited for their drinks. "Hey," she said, touching the blonde's arm.

"Hey you," Perrie replied, smiling as she realized who had touched her. "Come over after all?"

"Not exactly," Jade replied, glancing back to where Jesy was slumped over a table. "My friend is very drunk and tired, so I'm going to take her home before she does something she'll regret in the morning."

"Can't say I'm not disappointed," Perrie replied, leaning back against the bar. "I understand. We had a fun night though, maybe I'll see you back here sometime." She leaned forward and kissed Jade's cheek and sent her a wink before slipping into the crowd again, drink in hand.

Jade suppressed a grim as she made her way back to Jesy, stopping once to check her phone. She was surprised to find that it was almost two. Being with Perrie really had made the time fly by.

"Ready?" Jade asked as she got back to her friend. Jesy looked up at with with clouded eyes. She nodded slowly and let Jade help her up and out of the club. As she was herded into the passenger seat, she turned to face her. "Jadeyyyy, did you have fun?" She asked, hiccuping at the end of her sentence.

Jade chuckled as she helped her friend into the car. "I did," she replied. "I really did."

I know this one was a bit shorter, but I'm still proud of how it came out. Hope you enjoyed :)

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