Here for You (Jerrie)

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I'm always down for some more Jerrie fluff, get ready for Domestic Jerrie :))))

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I'm always down for some more Jerrie fluff, get ready for Domestic Jerrie :))))

"Babe?" Perrie said as she walked out of the bathroom, tugging her socks on as she went. "Why are you still in bed? We need to leave for work in ten minutes."

When Jade didn't respond, her worry increased as she approached the big bed they shared. She could barely make out her girlfriend's tiny form swallowed in the pillows and blankets. "Jade?" she said softly, peeling back the covers to see her curled in on herself, her face flushed. 

"Don't feel good," Jade croaked, looking up at Perrie with clouded eyes. 

"Oh dear," Perrie said softly, bending down to kiss her forehead. "You're burning up. You'd better stay home from work today. I'll call you in sick, how's that?"

Jade nodded, still looking miserable. "Hang tight," Perrie murmured, kissing her forehead again before grabbing her phone and dialing Jade's workplace number. "Yes, hello? This is Perrie Edwards, Jade Thirlwall's girlfriend. Unfortunately Jade will be unable to come into work today. She has a fever and a cough, and can't get out of bed. Yes, of course. Mhm. Wonderful, thank you so much."

"You're good," she said once she hung up the phone. "Now I'll just call in and take a vacation day and we'll be fine. Then I'll make you some breakfast."

"You don't have to do that," Jade protested weakly. 

"But I do," Perrie replied firmly. "You can barely sit up. There's no way I'm leaving you home alone while you're like this."

Jade sighed and slumped back into the pillows. Perrie chuckled, then shot a quick email off to her team to let them know she wouldn't be coming into work today, but they could still email her with any questions about the project. 

Now, one last call. Perrie dialed the closest doctor's office and pressed it to her ear, listening to the dial tone. At last, after multiple minutes on hold, someone on the other end picked up. 

"Hello? Yes, hi. I was calling to see if there is an opening for an appointment today? My girlfriend is sick and I'd like to get her checked out. My name? Perrie Edwards. Her name? Jade Thirlwall. Mhm. Yes, her symptoms started today. Mhm. Okay, that works. Thank you."

Perrie hung up the phone and returned to Jade's bedside. "They're packed full today, but I got you an appointment at 9:30 tomorrow, okay?" She said, brushing Jade's hair out of her eyes. 

Jade nodded, leaning into her touch. "Hungry," she whispered, her voice scratchy. 

"Of course love," Perrie said. "I'll make you some warm tea, how does that sound?"

Jade simply nodded again, her eyes drooping. 

"Okay then," Perrie murmured, dropping a kiss onto Jade's head and leaving the room. Once she got into the kitchen she started the kettle and grabbed a loaf of bread. Whenever she or Jade was sick, all they wanted was tea and a slice of toast. She started the toaster, and went back into their bedroom to check on her girlfriend. 

Jade had fallen asleep, her chest rising and falling with each breath she took. Her mouth had fallen open, and little snores escaped through her lips every now and again. She never slept with her mouth open unless her nose was stuffy. 

The whistle of the kettle brought Perrie back to reality, and she reentered the kitchen and grabbed the Disney mug she'd made Jade for their anniversary. The Mickey Mouse silhouettes were crudely painted, and the mug itself was shaped a little oddly, but Jade refused to use another mug if it was clean.

She poured the hot water into the mug, and put a teabag into the water to let it start steeping. She then grabbed the toast out of the toaster right as it dinged, and quickly buttered it. She entered their bedroom with a glass of water and the plate of toast to see Jade still fast asleep, now curled into a ball in the bed.

"Jadey," she murmured, setting the plate and glass down on the bedside table to gently rub her girlfriend's arm. Jade stirred, rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn. Despite being sick, she was still the cutest thing Perrie had ever seen. 

"Wha-?" She muttered, her eyes landing on the toast. 

"For you," Perrie said. "I'll be right back with your tea and some painkillers, okay?"

Jade nodded, reaching for the water. Perrie moved the glass to a more reachable position and retuned to the kitchen. She quickly mixed in some sugar and grabbed the painkillers, returning to the bedroom in record time. She set the tea down on the table and handed the pills to Jade, who had a mouthful of toast. 

"I'm glad you're eating something," Perrie remarked, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Can't take painkillers on an empty stomach," Jade replied, her voice scratchy. She grabbed the water and took the pills quickly, wincing as they went down. "Ugh. Gross."

"At least in about half an hour you won't have a headache anymore," Perrie replied, running her hand through her girlfriend's hair. In response Jade leaned into her hand, her eyes closing. They stayed like this for a moment, before Perrie's stomach rumbled. 

"I'm going to grab myself something, and then I'll be back. Wanna watch something?" Perrie asked, laughing sheepishly. Jade nodded, reaching for the tv remote. She placed it in the brunette's hand as she left the room. When in the kitchen, she quickly grabbed some fruit and a glass of water. When she got back to their bedroom Jade had selected Aladdin to watch.

"Your comfort movie," Perrie mused, settling into the bed beside her. "Not surprised."

Jade smiled and pressed play, snuggling into Perrie as the movie began.

A bit shorter and not as high quality, but I hope the cute fluffiness made up for it. Thank you all for reading <3

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