Last Christmas (Jerrie)

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This one shot is gonna be the first of hopefully a couple Christmas one shots :)

So the plot of this one is basically the plot of the song "Last Christmas" ... specifically the lines "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart / and the very next day, you gave it away / this year, to save me from tears / I'll give it to someone special"

Get ready for fluff lol

It was a beautiful Christmas morning. Snow was falling lightly, dotting the pavement and dusting over the decorations hung. The sky in between the clouds was a bright blue, the color matching Perrie Edwards' eyes exactly. 

Perrie was standing at her bedroom window, watching the snow fall with a mug of peppermint tea in her hands. Her eyes were bright, and there was a contented smile gracing her face. 

In bed her boyfriend Alex yawned widely, and Perrie turned to see him stretching and rubbing his eyes as he sat up. 

"Morning," she said softly, giving him a smile before she turned back to the window. A minute later she felt a pair of arms wrap gently around her waist, and felt a familiar scent wash over her. 

"Merry Christmas baby," Alex said softly, pressing a kiss to Perrie's cheek. 

"Merry Christmas," Perrie replied. "How about we go eat breakfast? I cooked your favorite."

"I can smell the cinnamon," Alex grinned, kissing Perrie again. "Thank you for making my favorite breakfast. I'm so lucky you're so good to me."

Perrie hummed in reply, leaning back into Alex's warmth. "I do it because I love you," she replied, only starting to worry when she felt him tense.

"I'm sorry," she quickly said, feeling tears prick in the corners of her eyes. "It's probably too soon, I just felt like it was —"

Alex turned Perrie around and kissed her, effectively stopping the blonde's ramble. "I love you too," he murmured against her lips. 

"Wait, you do?" She said in surprise. "I thought because you tensed you didn't."

"No, I do," he replied. "I just wasn't expecting it."

"Well surprise," Perrie said, lacing their fingers as she led him out of their room. "Now let's go eat breakfast. I can hear your stomach rumbling."

Breakfast passed smoothly, and then they sat in front the the cackling fire opening presents. Even though Alex got Perrie everything she wanted, she felt like even before she had opened the present she had gotten the gift she most wanted. 

The day after Christmas Perrie was driving home from the post office, Alex's final Christmas present on the passenger's seat. She hummed along to the music, her thumbs drumming on the steering wheel. She couldn't possibly be in a better mood.

When she got home, she pulled into the driveway and was surprised to see Alex's car in the garage. He had been talking about a surprise, she thought giddy. Maybe he came home early to surprise me!

Perrie opened the front door, her good mood quickly dissipating as a feminine moan reached her ears. She closed the door quietly, and slid her shoes off slowly. As she crept closer to their bedroom door, the moans got louder, and she recognized Alex's grunts mixed in. 

With each step she took, she felt the lump in her throat growing and growing. She opened the door quietly, and took in the scene before her. Alex was on top of a blonde, and he was looking at her in a way that he'd never looked at Perrie. 

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