Unspoken (Jerrie)

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Another one shot idea I had. It's a bit angsty (because apparently that's pretty much all I can write). Sorry again for being so MIA, but like I said, I'm crazy busy right now but I did want to put something out for you all. 

Also, yes, I wrote most of this before Jesy left. So, she is still mentioned as a member of Little Mix in this story. Sorry in advance lol

"Girls! Look over here, over here!"

"Perrie, look here!"

The blinding flashes of the surrounding cameras would have been enough to render any normal person disoriented and blinking stars from their eyes, but Perrie was used to it. These award shows had been a part of her life for over a decade now. She still remembered the first time she stepped out onto the red carpet with her band mates, how exposed she felt under the lenses of all those cameras. That feeling hadn't completely gone away, but she'd learned to suppress the feeling of her skin crawling under the gaze of all those people. 

With her hand delicately placed on her hip, she turned toward a cluster of cameras and tossed them a shining grin. Right then, with her two best friends by her side, the cameras the only thing on her mind, she felt untouchable. She knew the photos from tonight would look fabulous. 

She felt a hand on her elbow. "We're ready to move down," Jesy whispered in her ear. Perrie nodded in acknowledgement, and gathered fistfuls of silky fabric in her hands to avoid stepping on the hem of her dress. 

She remembered trying on the dress for the first time. The soft blue of the dress paired with her eyes perfectly, the v neck plunging down to what she deemed classy, but would show her off quite nicely. The bodice fit her curves perfectly, and the loose mermaid tail shape of the skirt was her favorite part of the whole look. 

Perrie cast a glance over her shoulder to give the cameras behind her a smile, and her whole night fell apart. 

Taking her place at the beginning of the red carpet was Jade Thirlwall. Her brown hair fell down her back in shining waves, and she was clad in a pale yellow gown that swirled around her as she moved, like the dress itself was made from captured rays of sunlight. Her eyes gleamed as she beamed at the cameras, radiating confidence and joy. 

As Perrie stared at her, the years fell away until she was back on the X-Factor, watching her perform for the first time. She had been just a girl at that point, freshly 18, not ready for what the future held for her. She was waiting her turn backstage, drowning in nerves, when Jade had begun to sing. It was then that her nerves had crumbled to dust, as the notes washed over her and bathed her soul. When it was her turn to sing, the only thing on her mind was the beautiful brunette. 

Now she was here. Had the girls known she was going to be here?

"Pez," Jesy said, taking ahold of her elbow once more. "We have to move again. What are you looking at?"

Perrie turned to face her, warring with herself on whether or not to demand if she knew Jade was going to be here. But she knew this wasn't the time or the place. 

She is your best friend, your sister. If she knew, she didn't tell you to protect you.

So she did what she was best at; she shoved her feelings deep down and flashed Jesy a smile. "A dress just caught my eye," she lied. "Sorry I held you guys up."

They both seemingly believed her lie, and soon they were stepping off the red carpet into the masses. She was only allowed one sigh before people started shouting at them again.

"Girls, a few words?"

Jesy and Leigh Anne turned their attention to the man with the microphone, and moved off the red carpet toward him. Perrie clutched Jesy's arm and followed them, mustering her best smile. 

Little Mix One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora