Tears started forming in types eyes. When phana saw those precious tears he quickly got to type and hug him tightly.

"Shh! No crying! I know you are hurt and shocked."

Type cried even harder.

"Type, overthinking and worrying isn't good for the baby. You want him to suffer?" Pha asked.

Type shook his head multiple times.

"But...what if mom comes to know that you're helping me? What if she do something to you like what she did to my parents? I can tolerate myself getting hurt but I can't see you, tharn, and others getting hurt." Type sobbed hard. Phana smiled sadly. The younger cared about the family more than himself. He felt relieved when he heard that.

"Type. I'm mafia, I can handle her and why worry about tharn. I hope he'll understand you too."

"But what if he doesn't?"

"Then I'll talk to him myself."


Types eyes lit.


Phana nodded.


Type nodded.

"Now c'mon, show me the cutest smile." Type was stunned by what phana's words.


Type smiled wider.

"You look cute while smiling." said phana as he pinched types cheeks softly.


"Umm...don't talk with tharn about this early. We'll talk to him when we get a favorable condition, Understood?"

Type nodded.

"Good. Well, now it's dinner time. Let's go downstairs."

Type nodded.

"And yeah! Don't forget to get tharn irritate by your cravings and mood swings." Phana said jokingly.

Type chuckled a bit.

"P' Thanks a lot."


"Understanding me."

"Oh come on! It's not needed." Type just eyed him.

"Let's tackle her together."



It was 10 in the night where the couple got to their bedroom. Tharn threw himself on the soft mattress with a smile. Type just chuckled at his action.

"Baby here." Tharn said as he patted the space beside him for type to sit on the bed.

"Night routine?" Type asked.

"Ohh, I almost forgot." Tharn smiled.

Tharn got up to go to the bathroom with type to change their clothes in comfortable nightwear. They had the same nightwear which tharn had bought for them. He liked the read colored with checks on the fabric. It suited well on both of them.

As per their daily night routine, they brushed their teeth. Played with water a bit. Type wanted to feel relieved from the earlier conversation a bit and he needed this now. He had to act extremely simple and not let tharn doubt about the thing that happened earlier. After brushing the teeth they applied their respective gels on their face. Before type applied the gel tharn quickly kiss him on his cheek making type blush a bit. He couldn't kiss him on the cheek after applying the gel coz he couldn't get the sweet taste of his husband's cheeks but the bitter taste of the gel. Finally, the gels were done and the two walked to their bed.

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