♥ Kiss ♥

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Just some random thoughts on the manga chapter 'Natsu And Asuka'. Enjoy! :)


We’ve all heard of the chapter where Natsu was about to kiss Lucy but kissed Happy instead. But…

…what if Lucy was sorry she didn’t kiss Natsu back when Asuka told them to kiss?


Lucy let a sigh of contentment escape her lips as she lowered her body into the steaming water. After all the events that had happened that day, she was downright exhausted.

Apparently, Natsu had lost to Asuka in a match and had to do her bidding for the whole day. They went on some jobs, earned some money for Asuka to get a present for her parents, and taken on bandits. Natsu even had to jump in a lake because of Asuka! 

She blushed at the thought of when Asuka told her and Natsu kiss. Alzack and Bisca do it all the time? Hmm… at least that’s something, although they almost never do it in front of the guild.

Steam wafted up in misty swirls as Lucy dove in further, soaking in the wonderful warmth of the bath. She could still picture the face she had when Asuka commanded them and Natsu’s lips just inches from hers…

What am I thinking?! She blushed harder as a picture of her and Natsu kissing popped into her mind. Lucy gasped and shook her head. Why am I arguing with myself?

Kissing didn’t really seem like a bad thing, but with Natsu she just… couldn’t. Such a dense, stubborn Fire Dragon Slayer, Lucy was surprised he even knew how to kiss. But Natsu just wasn’t –she wouldn’t say he wasn’t her type—the type to actually kiss, let alone know how to treat a girl like a real lady.

Wait, did I just say that I don’t think he wasn’t my type? Does that mean he is…?!?! Her cheeks burned as she stepped out of the bath and wrapped the towel around her. What are these feelings… constantly swimming around in my head?

He wasn’t that bad anyway, she thought as she grabbed another towel and kneaded it into her hair. With those bandits he told Asuka that she’d shot them down when he did it himself, he really… She sighed as she removed the towel and hung it out to dry. He really is what I’d call a father figure. Not that I’d want to marry him.

Wait! Who said anything about marrying him?! Another vision surfaced into her mind; this time it was herself in a shimmering white wedding dress and Natsu in a tuxedo by her side, both wearing wide grins and wedding rings.The real Lucy nearly slipped in surprise, if not for the towel bar next to her.

Although I have to admit, she thought sadly, with such a dense, stubborn, happy-go-lucky person like him with such a protective, sensitive side…by MY side…

…what could possibly go wrong?

Lucy did not flinch at this; instead she blushed.

Maybe giving Natsu my first kiss wouldn’t be so bad after all.

She stepped out gingerly into the living room, and was surprised (yet unsurprised) that a certain pink-haired mage and a blue cat were sprawled on her couch.

“Hiya Luce!” Natsu exclaimed, reaching out to hug her, but she brushed him off. “Go away; I’m not even dressed yet!” She screeched.

As she pulled on her clothes in a far corner of her bedroom, Lucy heard Natsu mutter, “Aw, Luce, we really missed you…” At this, she knew what she must’ve done before.

Walking into the living room, she approached the pinkette cautiously. Watching her rigidly move towards him, Natsu commented, “Loosen up a bit, Lucy! What are you so stiff—?”

Her lips shut him up; she’d leaned forward and pressed her mouth against his own. She felt his soft lips below hers and soon felt him kissing her back, and she thought blissfully, this must be how your first kiss feels like.

They broke away for air; Lucy averted her eyes and straightened. Natsu watched her every move, wide-eyed.

Lucy answered his unspoken question with a smile. “That was for earlier… Sorry that your first kiss was Happy.” How did she even know his first kiss was Happy and not Lisanna?! Guess it was just her gut feeling.

Natsu smiled back at her, a smile so wide it could’ve blocked out the sun. “Happy was never my first kiss.”

Lucy’s mouth hung slightly, a blush creeping to her cheeks. “O-Oh.. I’m sorry…”

He pulled her down to him and landed his lips on hers once more. “I don’t count kisses with animals.”

Happy sleepily watched the scene unfold as his partner put his hand on the celestial mage’s back and pulled her closer to him, and the words rolled on the tip of his tongue. But Natsu’s last comment made him seethe with fury.



Aye, that's yet another NaLu one-shot. Am thinking of updating Childishness soon ~

Dedicated to @Wither_away for being awesomesauce! She's cool, cute and spunky so go fan her, guys! :)



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