|| Author's Note: Lucy Hate ||

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Hello my little fairies, I hope you've been doing well ^^ I've just written this special author's note because I saw this Facebook post the other day:

"What Do You Most Hate About Lucy?" (Let's not dwell on grammar first, but caps? Seriously?)

First of all, I'm pretty against any hate against any character. They're still human (even though in an anime), okay? They all have their ups and downs like we do.

1. She's too hysterical.

So in every anime you might see a certain character overreacting but that's what makes it nice. Why do you even hate people on the fact that they overreact? I think you're the one who's overreacting. Sheesh.

2. She's weak.

This is the one I see the most and I don't know where that Lucy's-so-weak-Team-Natsu-doesn't-need-her theory came up. She IS strong. Don't ever say that she isn't. Look at her, she can perform Urano Metria and Stardress (see the manga), and she can summon three celestial spirits at a time. Is that not strong? I'm trying really hard not to swear here, forgive me. And with Natsu saving her? She's his nakama, how can you just see your friend fall from the sky and not take any action? 

3. She's so useless, it bothers me.

All the comments I saw made me want to break down then and there. She's not useless, damn. You guys do not know how much of a fight she had to put up with, how much she had to fight for her friends... You don't understand. You'll never understand. 

4. She can't use her spirits wisely.

Excuse me? Being a Celestial Spirit Wizard is already pretty challenging, if you ask me. You've got to know how to treat your spirits right, how to plan strategies in battle, and how to not use up all your magic all at once. 

5. She's stealing Natsu from Lisanna.

First of all, Natsu asked her to form a team with him. He also thought Lisanna was dead. HE was the one who made the move, okay? I'm not going to argue much on this topic because of berserk fans. No offense.

6. She's so annoying.

I think you're the one who's annoying. 

7. I hate her because she's weak, but I like her because she tries to be strong.

Okay, how the heck do you like and hate something? Is that even possible? And no, she is not goddamn weak, she is strong. You just don't know it.

8. Her boobs take up camera space. 

This I can understand, but animes do have a lot of boobs, just saying. Have you not seen any without them? For me, so far nope. But yeah, I can understand this one. Sorry about that.

The one thing I hate about Lucy... is that she can be hated. 

You are all free to throw anything at me. Arigato  ~

-Kaya xx

♡ Fairies and Promises ♥ NaLu One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora