♡ Fate (Part 3) ♥

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Part 3!~ Also the final part! I found this story interesting, didn't you?


"I'm sorry. We don't carry a charger for this model." The shopkeeper sadly said to the distraught blonde. "You probably won't find a store that carries it."

Nonetheless, Lucy walked from store to store, asking for a charger.

So that she could talk to him again.

"Oh... I don't know if the manufacturer would have it." A sullen face took over her.

"Now what?" Her eyes glued to her stockinged feet, her golden locks billowed in the wind. "Without my cell, I can't call my friends. And it's such a long walk home."

Maybe he's having trouble too.

She closed her eyes. When she reopened them, there were tears welling in them. She looked to the sky.

I'm not upset over my phone.

Having no way to contact the boy I've never met is harder on me.

If this is the angel's text address...

...I'd ask her to let me see him now.

She closed her eyes and bowed her head.

I don't want my phone back. I just want to see him

Please let me see him...!

From where she was, the angel smirked.

"I didn't mean to intervene in her life," she muttered, her voice soft and cold. "But a wish is a different matter."

"Maybe I should play a few tricks."

In a whirlwind, she was standing behind the now-squatting blonde, crying her eyes out.

Taking steady steps toward her, she let her phone fall to the floor.

Lucy's head perked up. She looked around, the tear stains still evident on her face. The angel watched her every move.

If this sound is... the sign of... 

"Her wish will come true if she would just turn around," the angel mused to herself. "But..."

... a miracle...

Lucy got up. She turned. She was now facing the angel, although she could not see her. She took a step. And then another. Her shoes were so close...

... she passed her.

The angel smiled to herself as Lucy dashed down the street, leaving the abandoned phone on the floor.

It's not over yet...!

Because he told me...

...we will find each other...

She ran back to the wooden fence, the place with the so-called landmark, wheezing.

...without a doubt.

She peered at the doodle. It looked less like a cat now.

"He's not here." She smiled a bitter smile. "That figures." She huffed and puffed for a moment. "Well, that's the way life goes..."

Not knowing that his presence was just a heartbeat away.


Lucy's eyes widened. Not daring to turn around, the wind blew a soft breeze that played lovingly with her hair. "You're late!" His voice was clearer than it had been on the phone; it was smooth yet husky, a beautiful combination for a beautiful person.

Then, she turned around, her chocolate orbs wide.

He had onyx eyes just as wide as hers, and the cutest pink hair that stood up in spiky tufts all over his slightly tanned face. He was wearing a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, displaying well-earned muscles. On top of that was a gray vest, and a casual white scarf that just added to his cuteness. He wore cargo pants and black sandals. And he had the most beautiful grin in the world— a pair of canines at the sides showed how glad he was.

"You're late!" He sat atop the exact same spot Lucy had been sitting a while ago. The wind rustled his hair, tossing those soft-looking tufts around.

"That cell phone belongs to me." He laughed— the first time he'd actually laughed. He had chuckled on the phone, but never laughed— this was something so new.

Lucy finally found her voice. "What— what brought you here?" She asked quirkily. She suddenly felt so comfortable around him— someone she'd never met, but knew so well.

"Because that's the only cat in town!" Another laugh escaped his lips. "The thing is... I was the one who drew that cat. But I can't get anyone to understand that it's a cat. I thought just maybe..." He flashed a heart-stopping smile at her, his eyes soft.

"...you'd know."

Lucy froze in time.


"Hi!" He handed her phone out to her. "I'm Natsu Dragneel." She watched, mesmerized, as their fingers touched when she reached out for her phone. Suddenly everything seemed so easy.

"Hi!" Her voice became cheery in a jiffy. "My name's Lucy Heartfilia." And she returned his phone and smile.

The two talked about many things, and even watched the sunset over the fence. Finally, it was time for each other to go.

Clutching the brown package in his hands, Natsu grinned at her. "I had a lot of fun today."

"Me too." Lucy smiled.

"So... see you later?"


They bid each other goodbye, and went on their ways.


As the blonde stepped out from the shower, she sighed. "I did a lot of unnecessary running around and worrying today," Lucy stretched contentedly, "I'm totally worn out."

Suddenly she realized.

"I forgot to take down his phone number!" Panic-stricken, she reached for  her phone, now fully charged. She breathed an extreme sigh of relief.

"Thing have made our lives so much easier," she stated. "Thankfully it logs calls I make."

After taking it down, she brought it to her lips and closed her eyes.

I hope I can see Natsu again.

A small smile graced her mouth.

I'll bring and pack sandwiches to bring to our place...

...and then I'm sure...

... we'll meet again.

Because... tomorrow is a Sunday.

"People sure do have a bad habit of depending on something," the angel mused to herself, her adorable black cat watching her with wide amber eyes, "when they can fulfill their wishes for themselves. But..." She threw a side smile at the now soundly asleep blonde.

"The moment you entrust your wish to someone, it will no longer belong to you..."


And that's about it! If you liked it, give it a vote if it's not too much trouble! :)


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