♡ Test ♥

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Some of you may have heard this before, but if you haven't, well, enjoy! :)

Dedicatee is @rukiasenpaii, thank you for taking the time to talk to me and even agreeing to make me a cover! I feel bad now... but thank you anyway! Enjoy this little present from me to you :)


Lucy stared at the ceiling blankly, her husband lying face down next to her, fast asleep. Her eyes averted to the note she had just written to him.


I'm leaving. Don't bother coming after me.


They'd been married for ten years now, but Lucy had begun to doubt their loyalty to each other. Yes, she loved Natsu Dragneel with all her heart, but the thought of him with someone else had actually crossed her mind. She wondered what lengths he'd go to if she'd ran away from him, wondered what his reaction would be. So she'd decided to put up an act; she even messed up the house and opened the gate as if she'd really left. then she would hide under the wooden frame of the bed. She felt him stir next to her, and quickly rolled out and landed on the floor with a soft thud. Then the blonde ducked under the bed.

Lucy wondered when this place had actually been cleaned. Dust was getting into her hair, and she regretted she'd overlooked this area to mop. Nevertheless, she made sure every part of her body was hidden by the shadow of the queen-sized bed.

She felt him wake up above her and yawn, feeling him scoot to the edge of the bed. Suddenly she asked herself if this was a bad idea. What if she actually broke his heart by accident? But then he'd go looking for her. What if he'd go... commit suicide? No, she couldn't think about it, she was about to roll out from underneath...

She heard laughter, a familiar sound of laughter that only he could emit. To her horror she heard him pick up his phone from the bedside table. He dialed a number she didn't know of, and spoke in a loud, cheerful voice:

"Babes, she's gone now, I don't think she's coming back! I've been wanting to see you so bad, but now you can move in with me! We can be together now, finally. Come around in an hour's time for some fun, maybe? See you~" He made a kissing sound on the phone and hung up.

Lucy felt like getting up from her spot, walk straight up to him to slap him hard. How could he... she didn't even want to know what 'fun' he meant...

She heard the sound of a pencil scratching on paper, probably him replying to her note even if she was not going to be there to see it. But she was, and she was going to witness the hurtful things he had written to her...

He had gone out, judging by the noise of keys being grabbed from the hook. Lucy lay, defeated, under the frame. She couldn't believe... after all these years... she wondered when it had all begun. From his words it seemed as if it had been long since he'd met her... whoever it was.

Very slowly, she pulled herself from underneath, the tears falling from her eyes. She didn't want to believe it. It was just a dream... she just had not woken up... a pinch was not hard enough for her... Nonetheless, she pinched herself. It hurt.

She pulled herself up and together, and walked slowly towards the table where the note was. Out of the blue, in a frenzy of fury, she grabbed the note and ripped it with all her might and hatred. More tears streamed out of her chocolate orbs, her face contorted. She fell onto the ground, her hand on her heart, looking at the shreds now lying on the floor.

Then for some reason, she started to piece them back together, just like her heart. Fortunately, she did not rip them into too many pieces, but it was hard to figure out which part was for what, and her tears flowing from her eyes kept blurring the ink. But in a quarter of an hour, she was able to put them back together, and with a heavy heart, read them aloud.

"Lucy Heartfilia," she sobbed for a while from his calling her by her full name. It's over, a little voice said in her mind, but she willed herself to continue, her lips moving but no words coming out.

Lucy Heartfilia,

You tend to forget I have enhanced senses. I could smell you, and your feet were visible from under the bed. Happy April Fool's, idiot.

With love, your husband.

Lucy immediately spun around to look at the calendar on the wall, but instead met the onyx eyes of he husband. A small smile on his face, his head nodded towards it. Sure enough, it was April 1st.

Suddenly she flew into his arms, sobbing and clutching his shirt. "I thought I'd lost you," Lucy said into his chest. "I love you so much..."

He stroked her head lovingly, then with a smirk, said, "Don't think you can get away with pranking me, baka."

So he thinks it was a prank, and thinks he's counterpranked me? Well... With a small smile on her face, she looked up at him.

"I'm pregnant."

His ecstatic look on his face was soon wiped off when she said, "Happy April Fool's" and pulled him into a kiss.


Slight twist from me if you have read the original. Hope you liked it, and happy belated April Fool's! ^^


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