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I'm so sorry for the long wait between chapters! My family has been visiting and I was preparing to go back to school in person but now they've just decided we'll be remote through September so...that went flat haha - I also went through a small period of feeling unmotivated but these days I find that I'm feeling much more productive and want to get out and do things so hopefully that will help with my writing as well <3

Today's chapter will be fluffy with a side of fluff, a dash of kitten Felix and a side of adorable Hyunlix. Dessert is more cute Minsung. (I'm serving up my own 'God's Menu' lol)

I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)


Minho woke up to warmth and the tickling sensation of a tail under his nose. Absentmindedly, he brushed the fuzzy fur away, scrunching his nose as his eyes fluttered open languidly. Surprised, the panther hybrid glanced down, only to be met with a mop of grey hair scattered wildly across his chest and a bushy tail just barely tinted with red now resting next to his head. Minho blinked a few more times, unsure if he was dreaming.

When Jisung's small form didn't disappear by the third time he'd rubbed his lids, the brunette decided it must be reality. Minho did, however, still jump slightly when Jisung yawned and shifted, tightening his grip on the elder. Confused, Minho craned his head to get a better view of Jisung. The squirrel hybrid had curled into a ball on Minho's chest, his arms tightly encircling the male, and head pillowed by Felix's cat plushie, which he must have brought with him. The boy's cheeks were more prominent then in wakefulness and jut out in a manner which only served to amplify his cuteness. Minho longed to poke them but filed that thought away for another time as bewilderment still rang clear in his mind. Jisung, somehow, had managed to wiggle his way quite literally(if the way the panther hybrid was firmly hugging the boy by the waist were any indication) into Minho's arms, despite the fact the elder was an incredibly light sleeper. His hybrid counterpart would almost always thrash should any slightly out of the ordinary event occur while in slumber, yet, at this very moment, with Minho cuddling Jisung close to his chest, his hybrid lay peacefully; fully relaxed and content. It was equal parts disorienting as it was warm. But Minho found, as Jisung sighed happily, looking more at ease than Minho had ever seen him, the brunette quite enjoyed the warmth and comforting weight of the younger on his chest, regardless of how he had got there or why.

So, with that thought in mind, Minho pulled Jisung closer, careful not to rouse the hybrid. He settled back, fully content to allow the hybrid to sleep as long as he needed, and began to run his fingers through Jisung's grey locks, occasionally scratching around the base of his ears or fiddling with his tail. A certain feeling began to stir in the pit of his stomach as he watched Jisung relax further under his touch, but the panther hybrid paid it no mind, too occupied with the squirrel so cutely curled up against him to notice.


Minho must have dozed off because the next thing he knew, he was being rudely awakened by the rumble of heavy footsteps crashing down the hallway, accompanied by the distinct, though quieter, chatter of the other members in the kitchen. Minho groaned inwardly as he gently placed his hand over the side of Jisung's head, hoping to muffle the sounds of the too early, raucous wake up call. Jisung merely hummed quietly, his tail moving to lightly wrap around Minho's wrist, searching to be closer to the elder, even in sleep. A small smile graced Minho's lips, endeared thoroughly by the hybrid.

The moment was ruined, however, as a moment later, Hyunjin barged into the room, his chiseled features twisted into a frazzled panic. On his shoulder, still in kitten form, was Felix, struggling desperately to remain on his perch as he dug his claws into the elder male's shirt, his small hind paws dangling dangerously. He peeped a small meow, head-butting Hyunjin's shoulder until the male gave the cat-hybrid his hand to hoist him back onto his shoulder without so much as a second glance at the slightly miffed kitten, as if it were a normal occurrence. Felix huffed a sigh, clearly annoyed, but he nevertheless retook his position; sitting straight up, his tail stock still, and head held high as he pinned Minho with a calculating gaze. The panther hybrid knew the younger male meant to look intimidating, but the way his fur was crumpled and smooshed on one side of his face from sleep was too cute to be scary. He tried to stifle his giggle behind one hand. Felix glared as Hyunjin gulped in large breaths of air.

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