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Hello! How is everyone? 

Welcome to a new update!! 

It's gonna be pretty angsty today...what is this part 3(?) of me trying to actually disclose Jisung's backstory? I lost count lmao but hopefully I'll get that done and out today so we can move on with the plot!! Minho and Jisung's backstories are coincidently intwined(lil' spoiler) so with Jisung's comes Minho's so I hope you all are excited!!(OK this is Megan from the future: I did not finish all I needed to in this update either...shocker :))

This chapter picks up literally right after the last one ends so I encourage going back to read the last chapter to refresh your memory! :)

CW: description of human trafficking, toxic relationships(platonic), abuse, and slight bullying

Hmm, other than that, I don't think there's much I have to say until the ending notes. Enjoy the chapter!!!! <3


"Six years?" Jeongin choked out, after a long moment of heavy silence.

Jisung nodded, unconcerned. It had stopped feeling like a long time after three years.

Minho whined again, distress coloring his scent. He shoved his nose into the crook of Jisung's neck, licking profusely at his scent gland.

"But - I don't," Felix spluttered, at a loss for words. His face was stricken, too many emotions battling for dominance on his thin face.

"I've never heard of a trafficking organization like that." Hyunjin finished for him, equally as shocked but reserved, "Most keep the hybrids for a month max, then ship them off elsewhere."

Jisung shrugged and pushed himself deeper into Minho's underbelly, trying to quell the chill beginning to seep into his bones.

"I don't know." Jisung said honestly, "Every hybrid at my facility had been there for over a year at least, but most for far more. New hybrids came in rather sporadically, only one or two every few months, and the only ones who ever got shipped out were alphas and a few stray betas."

Chan nodded sympathetically,

"I've heard of organizations like that." He said, clearly thinking hard, "It's my understanding that certain trafficking rings cart hybrids across city borders to head facilities, then the ranks of captives are processed, and they are sent to specific facilities in accordance with their secondary genders. Afterwards, I've never been too sure of what happens, but it makes sense that the facilities become a sort of holding ground. They're rare, but not unheard of. I had no idea there was one active here in Seoul, though."

Jisung pursed his lips and said, "You wouldn't have. The facility is almost entirely underground. There are only two main access points through old metro tunnels, and they pride themselves on remaining hidden. It was always of utmost importance that the nature of the facility remained untraceable."

"That explains why they were so keen on chasing you." Chan said with a grimace, "One witness is far too many."

Jisung nodded, having taken to tracing the pads of Minho's paws. An uncomfortable feeling stirred in Chan's chest. There was one more question he needed to know the answer to, but it felt cruel to ask. He hated to be the one who had to do it.

Chan glanced at Minho, the two engaging in an unspoken conversation before Minho shifted wordlessly.

His dark fur receded, his eyes returned to their normal, warm brown instead of emerald, green, and his paws grew longer, forming human fingers. When it was complete, Minho still sat curled around Jisung, arms looped tightly around his waist and tail wound around one of Jisung's thighs. Their hands were interlaced, and Minho squeezed comfortingly. Jisung smiled, squeezing back.

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