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Hello beautiful people!

How is everybody? I hope all is well and that each and every one of you are enjoying life right now and living happily and healthily <3

I have an angsty chapter today, probably more so than yesterday as this update will (finally) be delving into the boy's past, or more specifically, Minho and Jisung's. You'll probably have to wait a bit longer for the other boy's backstories but I promise all will be revealed in time...hehe. *This will probably be a very long chapter*(it is lol)

There should also be lots of Minsung in this chapter which I know a lot of you(including me) have been waiting for ;)

Ok I think that's it. Enjoy the chapter!!!


Try as Minho might to calm his protective instincts, he latched onto Jisung the minute the boy emmerged in the living room, practically shoving Hyunjin to the side as he pulled Jisung into his lap.

Jisung melted into Minho's arms, purring softly as he was encased in a wall of Minho's warmth (complete with two arms and a leg wrapped around the squirrel's waist).

Chan shook his head, resolve lost to try to separate them, even if it might be more beneficial for a constructive conversation.

"No fair!" Felix whined, pawing at Hyunjin's sleeve, "I want cuddles too!"

Felix pouted, dragging Hyunjin by the shirt collar into the nearest seat and wrapping himself around the husky impatiently. When he was settled, Felix reached out to scratch behind Jeongin's ear, the younger still in his fox form, curled up at Seungmin's feet.

Changbin squirmed uncomfortably. He was in the seat farthest from the panther-squirrel pair, but his skin still itched with guilt, with an urge to hide in shame. He wished he hadn't been so quick to judge, to act.

What he hadn't taken the time to observe before, he could see now; the bruises curling under the collar of Jisung's tee-shirt, the cut that ran along his cheekbone, the ugly red indents where the little blue identification tag had cut in, and worst of all, the way Jisung, with his knees drawn up to his chest, had his tail wrapped around his injured life, as if protecting himself.

Just like Changbin.

His tail suddenly felt awkward and scratchy from where it was safely tucked under his shirt, and he pulled it out in resignation.

"Jisung," Changbin said quietly, nervously.

The younger looked up immediately and Changbin had to turn away.

Jisung was looking at him without an ounce of judgement, not even a trickle of fear. Instead, he looked insightful, curious even. It twisted Changbin's heart into a painful knot.

"I wanted to say that I am really, truly sorry," Changbin started, taking a great interest in the pattern of his armchair. "I didn't know you had a past with cougars. I never wanted to trigger any poor memories, nor should I have ever said what I did. It wasn't fair of me, and I can't convey how much I wish I could go back and change what happened."

When Changbin finished, there was a catch in his throat and moisture in his eyes. He felt horrible.

Changbin startled when Jisung smiled so wide, his mouth formed the shape of a heart.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Seungmin squealed, clutching his chest.

"Precious," Minho murmured with a not-so-subtle fond smile.

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