Chapter Twenty-Three: Forever 21

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                                                           LUCY'S P.O.V

"YAAAYY!!! FINALLY!" yelled Louis, he grabbed my leash and dragged me to Forever 21 leaving the rest of the boys behind.

When we got there I stood up from the ground, brushed the imaginary dust off my shoulder annoyingly... again, pinched Louis in his arm really hard and yelled "STOP DOING THAT!" in Louis's face.

Liam came running to Louis and I looking pretty nervous. I bet he thought I was going to murder Louis.

Liam turned to me, put his hands on his hips and said "Luccyyy". "Liammmm" I said mimicking him, putting my hands on my hips.

I rolled my eyes and said "Liam, I'm not five, don't use that tone with me as if I was dumb." all of a sudden he smiled evilly.

At first I thought he was gunna do something bad until I heard him say "Ok then you won't be able to buy a dress!"

Is he fucking kidding me?

I'm not gunna buy a dress?

Did he even hear me when I said I didn't like shopping? Wow. That just showed me how much of a dumbass he is.

"I don't even like dresses" I said. Liam stayed shut and I just stood there grinning.

That is UNTIL Harry  said "If you don't like dresses then I guess we would have to make you buy 15 dresses!"

Oh well, more money they're wasting.

They could buy the dresses but no one said I have to WEAR any of the dresses.

"AND you have to wear them!" whispered Zayn in my ear.

Did I just say that out loud?

I yelled "No no no no! I mean dresses aren't the worst things in the world but come on! You guys would probably pick 20 lingeries and call it dresses! It's not fair " I was on my knees, fake sobbing.

"Wait.... how did Harry, Zayn and Niall come here? I mean you were in back of the mall and then next thing you know you're back here!"

The boys smriked and Harry said "What can we say? We're special like that."

Oh yeah okay.

"But we still have to buy you 20 dresses." Said Zayn.

"What? why?"

"Look we have tons of special meetings and going to red carpets events and you need dresses." explained Liam


"No buts." said Harry with a grin


"Wait did you just say ok?"

"Yes. Now shut up before I change my mind."

" ok."

It was awkward and silent until Niall asked "When are we really going to start shopping?"

"Right now" I told the boys and walked to look for some clothes.

Niall, Harry and Liam came with me to look for clothes while Zayn and Louis went to look for dresses.

"Maybe you should buy this?" asked Harry holding a tight shirt that can clearly shows your boobs and a very short short that clearly only covers your ladyhood. Isn't that made for sluts only? "Maybe I shouldn't" I said crossing my arms around my chest.

He faked a pout and slowly put the shirt and 'short' back where he found it."What about this?" said Liam holding a long saggy shirt and saggy pants with a long pair of boots.

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