Chapter Twenty-Two: Victoria's Secret

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"Louis, didn't you want to go shopping?" I asked Louis nervously trying so damm hard to change the subject. "YES! Come on LETS GO!" Louis responded stomping his feet.

"Kay!!! Let's go!" I said grabbing Louis's hand and running to the mall. I really hate going to the mall but I had to change the subject soo.... here I am.

When we entered the mall my stomach felt sick. There weren't as many people as I thought there would be (thank god!), but there were thousands of different shops and by the look of the Louis's faces, we would have to go to each and every one of them!

The rest of the boys came in and Zayn said "Let's get started shopping shall we?"

"um.. I don't know, I don't think I want to go any-"I started to answer but before I could finish my sentence Louis grabbed my leash and ran to Victoria's Secret.

"Not Victoria's Secret!!! I hate it!" I yelled at Louis, but like always he didn't listen.

When we got there, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Niall started to throw thongs, panties, push up bras,  sport bras, and who knows what more at me.

"Guys! Stop throwing shit at me!! I yelled at the boys. The boys stoped throwing the underwear/bras at me and I said "Thank you! Such gentlemen!" and rolled my eyes.

***Harry throws a pushup bra and a thong at me and tackles me***

Next thing you know we were rolling on the floor trying to to grab a grip of each other but I won. " Harry!" I yelled at him. "Guys.... HELP!" yelled Harry trying to get out of my grip but couldn't.

"I had it with you Styles!"

*** 1st slap across his face***


"First you kidnap me!"

***2nd slap across his face***


"Then you take Darcy and Ashley away from me!"

***3rd slap across his face***


"After that you keep fucking flirt with me!"

But before I could get to the 4th slap, Liam and Niall got me out of Harry while Louis and Zayn went to see if Harry's ok.

The guys made me and Harry stand up.. (well kind of, if Zayn pulling my leash to make me get up means made me stand up well yeah he made me stand up.)

Harry was rubbing his cheek (which was pretty pink by the way).

"Babe.... I know you love me, but that hurt."

"I don't love you and it should! You act like a 4 year old!"

"Well I can't help myself."

"Well I guess your gunna have to learn how to."

"STOP IT! You guys are acting like babies!" Liam says

"I don't think Harry's acting."


"Sup." I told Harry trying to look innocent.

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU! GOD! Lucy, Harry is very handsome, sweet and caring, you should give him a chance."

***I roll my eyes***

"Harry, you kidnap a girl then think she would run into your arms like a fan would? She is obviously different than other girls so give her a chance."

Different from other girls?I was always 'different' from every girl. Here comes the flashbacks ughh.

"She too ugly!"

"She's not a size zero!"

"Her noise is too big!"

"Her hair is frizzy!"

I started to get teary but stopped when Louis said "Lucy, you ok?"

"Oh, yeah" I said forcing a small smile. "Lets start REAL shopping!" I yelled at the boys without taking my 'smile' of my face.

I can't wait 'till this day is finally over.

Kidnapped by... One Direction?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat