Chapter Nineteen: Someone is gunna die

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Hey! please don't get mad or offended by what Lucy says. Also please don't get mad but I kinda forgot Louis in my last chapter! I just found out and going to put him in this chapter. -Emely XXX


I felt really bad about what I did to Niall, but because of that didn't mean I wasn't going to try to escape.

Everything was quiet until Harry say "Lets just go".

"No! I'm going home!" I said then pushed him to the ground.

But before I could try to run, Louis grabbed me by my waist and through me over his shoulder. It was awkward for me because I didn't remember he was here!

I didn't even bother trying to get away because you could just look at him and know he is strong and I just look like a potato sack. I just put my head down on his shoulder. I feel too weak to fight or to say anything.

I woke up in the Disney room. I wasn't dizzy but I did feel really weak.

I was about to go down the sitars and sneak to the kitchen when I hit my pinkie toe on the side of the living room door.

It hurt so bad that I whispered/yelled "SHIT!" But when I did, all the boy's head turned to me.

I needed to say sorry to Niall so I ignored the boys,went to Niall, grabbed his wrist and brought him to the kitchen.

I sat on the floor and told Niall to sit. He obeyed and sat next to me.

I took a deep breath and said "Look I'm's just I was freaking out that I have depression so when you ate my oreos I got mad, cranky and more frustrated."

I'm not really good at saying sorry so I tried to keep it short. It was so awkward waiting for him to respond.

" It's fine.. I wouldv'e been mad if someone kidnapped me and ate my food too." He said then out of a sudden he.... hugged me. I would have ripped his hand off but I felt like I needed it.

I started to sob in his chest. I think It was a happy sob? I don't know but it felt great to hug Niall. He made me feel like someone cared about me.

I know it sounds crazy because he kidnapped me but it just felt good. When I finished sobbing, Niall said "want food?" holding a bag of chips.

"Nooooo! " I said rolling my eyes ** sarcasm**

"ok" said Niall about to take a chip out.

"gimme that shit!" I said taking the bag away from him.

He laughed then brought me to the living room. I didn't even realized that the guys were stairing at me until I was done stuffing chips in my mouth.

"What?" I said looking at the boys grinning. Louis took a step closer to me and screamed in my ear "We're going shopping!"

I put my hand on his face to give me some space and said "Have a great time". I didn't want to go shopping because I hated it!

"And you're coming with us" said Harry grabbing my hand and rubbing it.

It felt SO awkward! "Okayyy.... but I'm not going and that is that!" I said taking my hand away from Harry's.

And with that said, I went to the bathroom, locked it and sat on the floor. I wasn't sad or anything but I needed to think.

Why would Harry grab my hand and rub it like that? I mean he did kidnapped me.

I started playing with the string of my sweats. It took me a few minutes to find out something.

When I was kidnapped and in the hospital, I wearing a black shirt with "TOMS" written across it, a red Cardin with black jeans.

NOW I was wearing grey huge sweats, a long black T-Shirt, and a purple Jack Wills sweater that was TOO big for me.

I was quiet for a few minutes trying to figure out thing, which was hard because the boys wouldn't stop screaming and trying to get in.

It was hard, but I figured out 5 things....

1. I wear too much black

2. Someone changed me

3. Someone saw me naked

4. Someone could have drugged, then rapped me

5. And someone is gunna die...

I got up and tried to stay calm. Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm. That was the only thing I could think. But how the fuck can I stay calm?

I didn't want to do the mistake I did with Niall so I tried to be as calm as I could be. I got out of the bathroom and said "EVERYONE GET IN A STRAIGHT LINE AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

The boys quietly made a straight line. I saw all the boys expressions. They all looked confused but Harry looked nervous.

I walked back and forth "when I was kidnapped, I was wearing a black shirt, a red Cardin, and black pants. Look what I'm wearing now!" I said showing them the sweats and sweater.

" Hey, isn't that Harry's sweater?" said Louis

"Thank you Louis!" I said hugging him and glaring at Harry .

"3....2" I said. "What are you-" "1.." I said and started to run at Harry.

Harry started to scream and run upstairs. I chased him upstairs and hold his leg to trip him but failed because I tripped with him and we both fell down the stairs.

After like 5 minutes of Harry and I falling and the boys laughing hard, Harry landed on top of me. This was really awkward for me because I could feel his boner.

I slap him and got up. The boys had just calmed down from laughing so I said "Lets just get out of here"

Wait..... If I go to the mall I can get out of this shit hole! "Hurry Up! I wanna go to the mall!" I said trying not to throw up.

"But I thought you didn't wan--" I cut Zayn off and said "do you want to go or no?" He glared at me and I smiled just to make him more mad.

"Ok so lets go!"said Liam. "YAY!" screamed Louis. When Niall was about to open the door, Zayn grinned and said "We almost forgot guys! Remember?!!??"

"Oh yeah" said Louis. And with that said, Niall went to a room and came back with a monkey book bag leash for 3 year olds!


"Sorry but if you want to go to the mall you have to wear this" said Zayn with a smirk.

UGHHH!!! Fine I'ma do it because I don't want to be with theses dumbasses anymore!

I just open my arms wide to show them that they could put it on me. Niall carefully put it on me. I think he was scared so to make myself smile, I sreamed in his ears "GET OUT!"

He fell over and I felt bad so I helped him get up and hugged him the way he did to me.

We opened the door and murmured "dumbass" to Zayn. He did the same but said "asshole" instead.

Kidnapped by... One Direction?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora