Chapter Twenty: Oh. My. Fucking. Gosh...

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I ignored him and went to a the car where I was kidnapped. I sat on the seat where I yelled for Darcey.

I looked around the car with a big frown. I was quiet... and by quiet I mean REALLY quiet.

I think the boys noticed because they were trying to make a conversation. "Whats your name love?" said Harry looking at me with the biggest smile.

"Lucy, and don't call me love" I said looking at the window."ok love" said Harry with a cheeky smile.

I rolled my eyes and Liam said "Lucy? That's a pretty name" I looked at him.

"Umm... thanks" I know some girls would be screaming their heads off if Liam said that to them but I don't trust people who complement me.

I know what your thinking 'What's wrong with you?!' but really I don't want to get heart broken like what happened with Zack.

I sighed and looked out the window. This car ride was so slow! I saw two 10 year old girls on bikes passing us!

I am trying to be polite but I just can't! "Louis, can you go any faster?! Two ten year old girls with bikes already passed us!" I said looking at him in disbelieve.

"No one talks to the sass master like that!" said Louis with a face full with sass. "Just HURRY!" I yelled in the 'sass master's' ear.

"Fine" said Louis and drove slower. "UGHHH!" I yelled looking out the window. "So Lucy...tell us about you" said Niall.

"Why should I?" I said looking at Niall like he was crazy.

"Please!" said Harry and Niall making a puppy face.

"I rather not tell my kidnappers about my life" I told both of them.

"Why? Was it too boring for you to share?" said Zayn with an idiot looking smile."

Zayn- Stop!" said Liam looking at Zayn with a daddy look.

I can't beleive he just fucking said that! I couldn't stand him so I said "No. Ima tell him about my life and let him judge if my life was boring."

"Ok I'm gunna try not to sleep" said Zayn while the other boys were glaring at him (not Louis).

"When I was about 10 years old my mom and dad were in a car crash. My mom died but my dad lived and since she died my dad abused me."

"The abuse would go on everyday.I thought things couldn't get worse but it did. One day he was so drunk that he... rapped me."

Zayn cut me off by saying "Lucy I was just playing, you don't need to-"

"No. You wanted to know about my life so here it is." I felt a tear run down my cheek. I was going to continue but Harry said "Lucy stop, You don't have to do this"

I looked at him and the boys and continued. "He took away my computer/phone/ t.v and my respect. He started to get use to rapping me that before I knew it, he let other men rape too."

When I finished saying that sentence, Niall started to cry. I felt so bad but didn't stop.

"My dad use to keep me like an animal. The only thing I had was Ashley but you took her away from me."My sadness became anger.

"I finally escaped my 'dad'. I met Ashley a long time ago so she helped me a lot. A few weeks ago Ashley bought me Darcey....but YOU ASSHOLES MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL THEN IT ALREADY WAS!"

I sobbed. The only thing that came to my mind was to sob on Liam. I wanted to sob on Liam because of three things..

1) He was the most close to me

2) He wasn't as annoying as I thought he was

3) And I wanted to feel his abs ;D

Liam hugged me back and tried to calm me down. Niall joined the hug because I knew he was sensible and let him.

Harry was about to hug me but I said " Don't. This all happened because of you." Harry just looked away.

You could see he was hurt just by looking at his eyes but I didn't care.

Louis acted like nothing happened and screamed "WE'RE HERE!" I was about to jump out when I couldn't move. Oh yeah, I was wearing the kid leash. "fuck" I murmured under my breath.

The boys got out of the car and Louis got my leash and helped me get out of the car. I could see Harry trying not to look but failing.

Louis was holding my leash outside but then he saw Harry staring at me so he gave the leash to him.

Harry smiled at Louis and grabbed the leash. The boys looked at us and smiled. They made stupid excuses to leave us alone.

And by stupid excuses I mean stupid ass excuses!

Liam's excuse- "Hey there's a couple making out under that tree! I'm going to tell them to use protection." runs to the couple.

Louis's excuse- Looks at a girl with rainbow socks "Hey you! Those socks do NOT go with that shirt!" snaps fingers in Z formation.

Niall's excuse- "ICE CREAM!" runs to a 4 year old and takes the ice cream from her.

Zayn's excuse- " Oh look! A mirror!" runs to the mirror and makes a kissy face.

I turned to Harry to see him stairing at me smiling.

"soooo..." said Harry about to put his arm around my shoulder but I got his arm to stop him.

I looked at him and said "I see there has to be some rules between you and me". He raised his eyebrows and said "rules?"

I nodded my head and said "Yes. Rules. The rules are...

~ No touchy

~No flirting

~No winky faces

~No being naked while I'm in the house

~No calling me 'love'

~And no acting stupid"

He acted like he was offended then stepped close to me. Our noses almost touching and said "I don't think I can do any of that." Then winked.

Oh. My. Fucking. God...

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